Bacibaci Beninobenone

From what I have heard, New York used to be a lot more dangerous than it is now.

"Vulgarity laced dialogue"? Who are you, someone's grandma?

Amazing looking place, so cool, want to visit someday

Great story. What's innkeeping like? Is it a small inn? I'm picturing a Victorian house with ghosts and a basement boiler

They all look alike to you, racist!

"Stop painting cops with a broad brush!" — guys who think BLM is a terrorist group

I think you're grossly underestimating. Sure, homicides by cops are rare, but the overbearing, aggressive policing of minorities is a fact in this country, and it's time for it to change

Any union of a group of people with the legal power to kill you is a scary thing

"Law-abiding" is dog-whistle for white, old, scared of change

Leave my balls out of this

What happened to Walter Scott was straight-up mafia style execution murder, so yes — some cops do murder

"I am not decrepit!" —- J Foxx

Because it's something that happened too far in the past to be rectified now.

Go to your room!

It's called "humanity," which they seem to have more of over there.

Yet they're all arguably feminist movies, especially Rosemary

I think you're a little obsessed

What does that have to do with the movie?

Of course, Iago does explain fairly early on in the play that he's upset at being passed over for promotion (favor, IIRC, of Michael Cassio)

Great episode overall, really worthwhile. However one thing I didn't like was the conservative attitude toward sex — how porn was presented as this awful fate for Abby's character. Lots of people go into porn / sex work and do just fine. We as a society (and the writers to an extent) still regard female morality as