Bacibaci Beninobenone

That image makes me hate millennials

Black Irish?

When you little scamps get together, you're worse than a sewing circle

how dark is the UPS guy?

To untutored eye, being blazed and lifting heavy pieces of steel above your head would seem a bad idea, but maybe I'm just getting old….

I got nothing out of this evening.

Also: come to think of it, Putin does look like one of the Founders….

Who's Weyoun in this scenario? Paul Ryan?

It was not great, it was fine and fun, it's like the Artist, a novelty that will win awards and be forgotten, the ending was the best part, it doesn't hold a candle to actual classic musicals…

Put the iphone down

You're the devil's son….

Smoke weed for this.

Hey, I'm a Jew, is this movie for me

I get more of a made-up Daisy Ridley

The AV Club
Crap and smut

It's called New York Magazine

Even better would be Scott Adsit

I liked this music when I was 14, too. Are you all a bunch of stunted manchildren?

Bitch tits?

In short, the last thirty minutes are the reason to see this movie