Bacibaci Beninobenone

Just got back from a screening. Lamesville Oscarbait milquetoast bullcrap. The Roth I know is manic, funny, vulgar, rambling, urgent, electric. This is none of those things.

Jeff Sessions, is that you?

don't you have a vaping store to get to?

It's b/c you're a bro

This is officially the least important thing that has ever happened.


You like his earlier, funnier films……..


Hot take brah

Your mom says lots of them were hung

Of course the romantic interest is a light-skinned black woman. Hollywood still can't conceive of any woman with strongly African features as an object of desire…

Did you break your leg?

I think you're reading too much into it. It's more the rules of the genre — how many times has this show had someone swoop in to save a character in peril?

I would like to see Ramsay Bolton as a reanimated dog poop, jumping around and shouting sadistic orders

That's because you've never seen your mom and me.

This episodes achieved Hitchcockian levels of subversiveness in how it made the audience root for the brutal murder of a character

Also it's hard to resurrect dog poop.

I for one approve of a potential Yara / Dani lesbian empire

Yep, online mobs are despicable as opposed to rapists. Good job!

Online mobs are despicable