Bacibaci Beninobenone

In Hollywood, at that scale the rule of thumb is that you need around three times your budget in revenue to make back your production costs + P&A

Or very fresh

Go away, David

I think it had more to do with title registration issues with one of the unions. Titles per se aren't copywriteable unless they're unique — and yes, it was very petty of WB

Recall that in the movie redhead lady says that the Indominus has an actual scientific name, but they just call it Indominus rex because it's easier to say.

You're a pedant-o-phile

What if I look like Channing Tatum?

Do girls like it when you hump their face?

Sounded too much like I'm yours

Please don't use the phrase "the feels"

He would of, wouldn't of he?

"She's fat."

Because casting decisions are always so rational

Translation: "I'm too fucking hot right now as a comedian for this gig."

The hilarious* thing about that reading is that it suggests that lots of conservative people have or see in others repressed urges that they've been fighting for a long time.

gunfire erupts

That it's white.

Evo ga.

hardly know'er

That's your argument? One thing is "new" and the other isn't and therefore it's bad? I suppose you are against gay marriage, then.