Bacibaci Beninobenone

I think it means you're learning.

I'm still not convinced that there's no transgender equivalence here on some level. I'm very supportive of trans people, but the commentators who are pro-trans but are attacking Dolezal are a little too knee-jerk, to me at least.

Yes, but was it trite back then?

I think you'll find most liquids whose names end with -cide are either toxic or carcinogenic or otherwise nasty. That's why you don't drink them on the rocks.

It would be a huge windfall for "organic" farmers and supermarkets — one of the reasons such organizations are backing and funding pro-labeling initiatives

They have every right to — just like any business would have a right to fight arbitrary laws based on irrational populist sentiment

This is demonstrably false. There are dozens if not hundreds of easily available seed manufacturers in the US

Tell that to every major scientific organization, all of whom have found GMOs to be perfectly safe.

I think you have to have a legit scientific reason to legally require labeling like that. There's nothing stopping companies from labeling their products "non-GMO".

The Sand Snakes should probably have used a slower acting poison that didn't kill Jaime's neice/daughter while the ship was still LIKE A FUCKING HUNDRED YARDS AWAY

Blacks, Indians, practically the same.

Irma la douce is one of my favorite Billy Wilder movies

Peter Watkins also made the marvelous Edvard Munch using a similar documentary style approach, despite it being set in the late 19th early 20th cent

This is actually a very common nightmare among organic hipster farmers

This is a ridiculous review. You can't sympathize with someone above your socioeconomic status? Do you ever watch movies or read books about people who aren't like you? Can you sympathize with them?

I wonder how big that giant's cock is.

The best episodes of this show are when we catch up with everybody or almost everybody — seems like the ones where they focus on one strand are the ones most likely to drag

Ray Harryhausen would be proud

For a minute I thought that giant was going to turn into a zombie

After that last scene it's kind of hard to care about Arya and her fucking oysters (or any other plot thread)