Bitch Please, Go Learn Math

I started out pretty centrist, and the older I have gotten the further and further left I lean, and yet my parents will still occasionally say that. The fact is the older I have gotten the more I have attempted to understand other people and pay attention to the world around me. I used to believe in bootstraps, and

I hope some companies copy Jennifer Lawrence's dress because it is exactly what I want for my wedding dress (though would prefer three quarter sleeves and knee length). There have been a handful of similar dresses available this past year, but I put off buying a dress because we aren't getting married until next

I am getting married, and in the planning one of the first things we discussed is pre-marital counseling. We both agree that it is a good idea and want to do it, but we aren't religious, and outside of programs like Pre-Cana where can you find a good counselor? In my initial search I found a lot of religious based

Every Christmas morning my parents would make us wait at the top of the stairs until my dad could get the camcorder out. He would then record us walking down the stairs to see the tree and presents, and set the camcorder up to record us opening presents. This continued until we were all adults, and only ended

Can you point me in the direction of some things you have written? I am really interested in science and history so science history sounds right up my alley. Plus I am always looking for new books to add to my reading list.

Getting an IUD was the best decision I have made with regard to my health. I know I don't want kids anytime soon, possibly ever. I have the Mirena, which I love because it has reduced my periods to basically non-existent and I don't have to remember to get my prescription filled every month, I can be very forgetful