Ohhhh, I miss those days!!!
Ohhhh, I miss those days!!!
She looks REGAL AS FUCK. It’s a Galadriel-at-the-disco vibe.
Leeloo Nashville Backstagepass
No one is even trying to stick to the theme.
It just goes to show how the government cares SO. MUCH. about legislating medical care for the safety of women and babies, except y’know, when it comes to the actual medical safety of women and babies.
Proper training and regulation! Yay! Integration into the regular medical community! Woot!
Juste spoiled Got for me, I am very sad and angry towards you. Please be carefull about that in the future.
Worse: I’m an Old who remembers the Time Before Internet
Why in the world do they suddenly care about women being assaulted. No one seemed to care when it was a drunk guy trying to grope me in the middle of the street or on the subway or at a concert.
OH WAIT, ITS not about that is it
So glad we keep finding ways to be an openly bigoted country. Was worried that after nationally recognized same-sex marriage we were going soft there for a second
I mean, when I was vegan the only thing I craved was human flesh. I think that is just a thing.
Vegans are against murder. Unless it’s the murder of humans that are killing animals for food.
Yep, and I would imagine that the people who currently cover their eyes to our very extensive involvement in military operations may now take heightened interest now that they, or they children might actually be drafted. This seems to me to be lose-lose for pro military conservatives
Oh damn it. Good thing I’m in the grays here because it’s basically just a repeat of your comment.
But without the draft, what will MRAs have to howl “UNFAIR!!??” about?
Sorry to hear someone was hurt/killed/bleeding. Personally I was hoping it was the stinking corpse of iTunes.
Please please please please please don’t be Dre
“Report: A Body Has Been Found at Apple Headquarters”
The wheelchair. The weaselly wording. The calling in favors from former colleagues.
But her decision to shame me in the press and direct my ouster has destroyed my professional reputation.