
I starred your comment, but I think the commenter meant the exact opposite of what you think she meant. At least that’s how I read it. She’s agreeing with Union. I do too.

I literally said “Ok Dad” after reading your comment. I’ve been lectured on “it’s not what you say it’s how you say it” enough in my life. That’s exactly what you’re doing here: tone policing like some over-zealous kindergarten teacher.

Watch the video again. He doesn’t just ask for a source. He tells the instructor he has a hard time believing the statistics because “his wife” and everyone he knows has never experienced police brutality.

Well, then I guess he can stay stuck in his ways and the rest of us can continue to criticize him for his ignorance. It makes no difference to me. He’ll likely die before he changes anyway.

Do fuck right off.

This man is not young. He’s pretty old and probably set in his ways.

Oh god. Please don’t take Jezebel’s advice on whether something is good or not. There is no possible way in which the filmmakers could have shown scenes of domestic violence that this site wouldn’t have found offensive. They find everything offensive.

He was. He also volunteered at a crisis center for suicide and rape prevention. The dude took help calls from rape victims. Crazy.

Very good point.

Lol at you being surprised that people might get a tad defensive at you saying their city sucks. A city you have admittedly not frequented.

I’ll give you it was inevitable he would get caught (getting caught on camera, continuing to kill in the same area/small mile radius despite increased police presence). But as others have said, they were random killings with a generic weapon. Not a whole lot for police to go on.

You haven’t spent much time in Tampa, have you?

Tim, don’t let on how great Tampa really is. We don’t need any more transplants here.

Fellow Tampa resident here. Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it. I love living here.

Matt Lauer went to the same school I did for journalism. It’s supposed to be one of the top J schools in the country. When I was still in school it was a running joke that the program couldn’t be THAT great if it’s most famous graduate was such a complete dunce.

Bullshit. She looks constantly annoyed and awkward. No way she enjoys this.

Uh if he was even remotely close to your vagina he was being inappropriate. I’ve never had a massage where they got anywhere near my lady bits. That is extremely off putting.

Big Sean’s ex girlfriend and former Glee star. It’s widely believed his song “I don’t fuck with you” is about her. In it he raps about “dodging a bullet from a crazy person.” This incident would seem to confirm that he did.

All I have to say is Cincinnati Zoo is damn good at PR, and they are very lucky this hippo made it. They switched from being the zoo that killed Harambee to the zoo that brought us all Fiona almost overnight.

Tragic Kingdom Gwen was the shit. She let Hollywood get to her. Everything about her is so fake and plastic and manufactured now. She’s the antithesis of her early self. Highly disappointing.