
I have breast implants. No one can tell. They are shocked when I tell them. This is because I told my doc to make them look natural and not go too big. He put in only 250ccs which somehow took me from an A to a small D. Yet they’re still smooshy and have a natural slope to them.

I think they parent them but I’m also sure they spend an equal amount of time with nannies because Kim and Kanye are in the spotlight i.e. not at home a lot.

I’m creeped out any time someone who is 33 takes an interest in a 21 year old. The maturity and power imbalance makes it automatically creepy, IMO. Not to say that large age gaps are always a problem (it’s not as big of a deal when both parties are older/established). But it definitely is when one party is very young

Your mom sounds smart. Any more than two kids is, to me, too much. 3? Ok fine, maybe 3 was your ‘oops baby’. At 4, you’re just insane.

I am always highly skeptical of anyone with more than three kids. Why do you need that many kids? How do you give them each the attention they need and deserve? At what point are you just having kids to fill some hole in yourself and not because you want what is best for them?

He was married to Elizabeth Moss, not Olsen.

I agree, it’s over and done with. Kelly shouldn’t have used the Hanoi Jane stuff to make her point because it weakens it.

Oh my God.

I guess you missed the part where, after asking him to stop and him stopping, he then asked her for a blow job, and she willingly gave him one.

As someone who has long been anxious/depressed, I’ve never found that this practice of ‘forgiveness’ and ‘letting go’ works for me. One therapist even diagnosed me with PTSD. It’s hard to let go when you’re reliving things as if they just happened.

Ok, so we both agree now that it wasn’t assault?

I comment on this site sporadically, as my ‘stats’ will tell you, so that’s hardly a motivation.

I went back and re-read the piece because I obviously missed that part. And yeah, I still think this woman is really reaching by trying to call this sexual assault. Is Ansari gross and pushy? Yeah. But I’m not getting that he forced her into any of this at all. From the story:

Yeah as far as I can tell that’s the only reason they identify as one.

Um yeah I’m so confused. Did I read the same article as Jezebel? Because to me it sounded like their encounter was consensual. And that the woman this happened to agrees that it was as well.

Dude. We are not talking about the justice system here. We are talking about public opinion.

Please provide actual evidence that Scientology is backing this lawsuit and paid or persuaded these women to lie. Until you can, all you have is Remini speculating that they are.

I tread lightly when I say this, but I think your personal experience with false allegations is clouding your judgment a bit on this one. False allegations are generally the rare, sad exception, not the rule. That said, I’m very sorry you’ve had this experience or seen this happen to those you love. I’m sure that was

I have watched the show. I don’t recall anything about false lawsuits, but maybe I missed that one.

Yeah, I’m with you. I have a feeling Remini is going to be eating her words very soon.