
I appreciate your response, but to me, this isn’t a church or a religion. It’s a bunch of secular humanists and ‘spiritual but not religious’ folk coming together to talk about social justice issues. I’d join a club concerned with the same things, but put the label ‘church’ on it and it’s a hard pass for me.

I agree completely.

Building false websites is A LOT different than filing a false lawsuit.

I also agree that CoS would sink so low as to accuse someone of being a rapist. However, they normally insinuate these things by calling people’s friends and families, placing fliers in their neighborhood, warning neighbors about them etc. I don’t think they convinced or paid 4 separate women to file a lawsuit full of

I don’t get it. Church is a place you go to worship God. Why would an agnostic or atheist join a church, even if God isn’t particularly mentioned during services? You still all gather because of your common belief in a higher power, no?

Yes. The restaurant/bar business is hellacious in this regard too. You deal with both coworkers AND patrons with grabby hands and no boundaries.

I know you weren’t intending to be dismissive, but man is it frustrating to express these things to male partners or friends only to have them say you’re mistaken.

If you Google his height (which I am ashamed to admit I just did) his height is given as 5'5. I think that’s being very generous though.

I know a lot of liberal men like this. They talk a good game, but they do not walk it. So many guys claiming to be “feminists” who are womanizers and who have done horrible things to women in their personal lives. The cognitive dissonance is unreal with these guys.

Your comment just reminded me of Marion Cotillard’s roundabout, vague denial that she had an affair with Brad Pitt. She has also made comments about not being a feminist because she cares about all people, not just women.

Used to dress better. The younger generation is super obsessed with jeans and baggy tops/sweaters ATM. At least this is what I see on every single fashion Instagram account belonging to a French girl. They’re trying to be more like us, apparently.

The age of consent in many US states, including my home state, is 16. So, I wouldn’t say the French are that different.

Why not?

That’s because feminists aren’t a single entity, always in agreement.

Nobody thinks a dress is going to directly prevent rape from occuring.

I always thought she was the best looking Kardashian/Jenner because of her very natural and classic looking face and normally proportioned body parts. Why you’d want to ruin that with poorly done fake lips I don’t know.

I cannot figure out for the life of me why this woman insists on dressing like she’s 70 years old. She’s always dressed in something frumpy, lacking shape, or that looks like it belongs on a much older woman.

I really want Kamala to run. I would vote for her in a heartbeat.

All the boring ass white people on this thread who just “don’t get” Cardi’s appeal need to chill.

Because blood is red. This is not that hard.