
Really? I’ve never met these women. Nor am I one. If anything I’ve tolerated more than I should as have most of the women I have known. We don’t want to make a fuss or hurt someone’s feelings, even when they’re clearly violating boundaries.

3 months in is still honeymoon phase for most people. Prior to meeting my fiance, I had been in two different serious relationships, each of which lasted a year.

What a prick. But then, he’s always made it clear he hates humans and couldn’t give a fuck about them while simultaneously prioritizing animal rights to the point of absurdity.

I think it’s especially bad because she’s puffy faced from too many fillers as well.

My fiance and I are doing this very thing. I’ve been in enough friends’ weddings to know the shit ton of stress experienced and money spent for a mere 6 hours of your life is so not worth it.

This is so true. I personally was raised to believe that, as a woman, I am not a sex object, and I am valuable as a person, not only for my body/looks. As a result, I could never be a stripper. I’d probably stab a patron with my stripper shoe the first night on the job because even the idea of strange men ogling my

I’m also sad that we’ve all met this type of dude before because it means there must be a lot of them. :/

My first boyfriend pulled this shit all the time. He had all his female “friends” thinking I was a total bitch/nutcase because he enjoyed their sympathy/attention and the possibility of being able to fuck any of them if our relationship stopped satisfying him at any time (which it of course did because attention from

I thought the same. If a man had written this we’d accuse him of being obsessive, controlling, or lacking proper boundaries.

It was mean but true. At 24 I was a fucking dramatic idiot about relationships too so I do feel for this girl to an extent. At the same time, I find it funny she’s so concerned with this dude’s psycho girlfriend when she’s a bit psycho and obsessive herself. Maybe look in a mirror first before pointing fingers at

I’ve said the same thing to other commenters here who are POC. I’m white so don’t count on me or any other white person to be a good ally because we will fail you. We will never understand your experience quite like you do. We will never be as invested in the cause as you are because it doesn’t directly affect us.

As a grad of one of the best journalism schools in the country I call bullshit on your entire post.

My exact thought as well!

I thought the same. She was way more into it than he was. Also, how do you dump Bella Hadid for Selena Gomez? That woman is just so striking. I could stare at her for hours. Maybe she has a shitty personality because otherwise it made no sense.

True. But alcoholics also have a choice to use or not. To seek help or not. The one in my family did not. And I’ve seen the destruction it caused as a result. So yeah, to me alcoholics who refuse to get help are up there on the shitty people list.

I agree with you there. She’s doing some serious mental gymnastics.

You left out abusers and drunks. But I guess since those are pretty bad as well it wouldn’t have made your witty retort as powerful.

I don’t get it either, but I’ve seen women fall for plenty of ass holes. Guys who were abusers, drunks, serial cheaters. So she fell for an asshole, like many women before and after her. It happens.

That’s definitely a fair point. Yet I still can’t find that I hate her for this. She seems like she’s in denial about the extent of his beliefs and blinded by love. I do hope she wakes up or he radically changes his beliefs though.

I’m willing to forgive her for this because you can’t really help who you’re attracted to or who you fall for. It’s completely possible to love someone while disliking their views. I have experience with this since most of my immediate family is conservative. I disagree with them a lot but I will always love them and