
I agree, this video is so cheesy to say the least, and I’m a firm non-believer in ghosts.

Agreed. And how he won over Mila Kunis I am sure I don’t know.

Seriously. I also had a boss named Chad who was an inappropriate douche.

I don’t buy it. He’s so ugly and repulsive and she so gorgeous it leaves no question that she married him 100% for his money/power. He just lost both of those things so he’s useless to her now. She has a better chance of success on her own at this point.

In my personal opinion, if the marriage has reached a point where one or both parties are cheating, it needs to end.

I don’t get her stylist. The first three days there was a pattern: soft, feminine. Then black. Then back to feminine colors. Then gray, tan, black.

Has being an escort ruined your belief in marriage? I feel like it would ruin mine.

Marchesa is already in decline. And considering every dress pictured above is hideous, I don’t think actresses will want to wear them without Weinstein peddling them.

I don’t think much has changed in ten years. I think most actresses today would answer the same way. And I’m sure this will continue. The only reason people took issue with Weinstein is because he was so gross and rapey about it. But women sleeping with important men to get ahead isn’t going to stop, sadly.

How I know I’m old: That outfit she is wearing is absolutely hideous to me. I don’t get these new style trends.

It’s funny because everyone else, including natives of the area, who responded to my comment knew exactly what I was talking about and agreed. They didn’t automatically assume I was being classist, like you.

Well now we’ve both made one unwarranted assumption about each other. I guess we’re even.

As of July 1st the birth control that I had been taking since I was 21 (I’m 31 now) and that was free (thanks Obama) suddenly became $120 a month

I feel the same. I’m from Ohio and childhood vacations included Gatlinburg, Dollywood, Norris Lake, etc. It’s so very beautiful there.

I’m rolling my eyes at you right now because I can almost guarantee you’ve never been to Tennessee and have no idea of the culture I’m referencing. My comment has nothing to do with class or economic status.

It’s Tennessee so yeah, probably. Go to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg if you want to be reminded of how someone like Trump got elected. It’s like a different world down there.

Yes. I remember reading this in a book but for the life of me can’t remember which. They basically showed conservative brains are wired to be more fearful of change. Which would explain their longing for “the way things were” and difficulty accepting things like gay marriage, transgender rights, and other things they

Seriously, this is fucking bullshit. This sociopath belongs in prison for life.

I come from a conservative family. No one is ever going to convince me they lack empathy or are evil because I’ve seen them act in ways quite to the contrary.

God I love British people.