
I’m surprised Jezebel even published this story considering it doesn’t fit their narrative of Taylor as Becky: An evil white woman hell bent on destroying Kanye’s reputation while playing the victim.

I hope so too. People are so quick to judge and say she’s mentally unstable or it’s wrong for a doctor to perform this surgery because she’s not really doing these modifications for herself. To that I say whatever.

I used to say this to my boyfriend (who is also calm and patient and painfully normal while I am a total basket case) and now I realize we balance and compliment each other.

Agreed. As someone who has suffered from anxiety and depression from a very young age, the only person I have ever hurt and would ever hurt (outside of self-defense) is myself. This sociopath was not mentally ill. Just an asshole with no capacity for empathy.

I work from home (lonely) and smoke, on average, about 1-2 cigs a week

He actually can’t. Aside from his NFL pension, all of his earnings go straight to the Goldman’s.

We don’t need any more asshole B list celebrities residing here.

Exactly. And if I have to read one article about how mentally ill this man was I will punch someone in the face. Because, ya know, when you’re white and go on a killing spree you’re just mentally unstable, not a terrorist. /s

Yeah I’ve noticed this as well. I think because, even if you have great skin with no wrinkles, we all lose subcutaneous fat at the same rate as we age.

I’m from Cincinnati too and feel the same way. I once heard someone call it “the Northern most Southern city” and felt that was accurate. It’s so segregated and so backwards in a lot of ways. I’m glad to be out of there.

I grew up in Cincinnati, and my ancestors are all from SE Kentucky.

This I actually agree with you on.

I know what you said. And you’re pretending choice occurs in a vacuum. It doesn’t.

And obviously you know nothing of the man, otherwise you wouldn’t call him a feminist.

Oh yes, free will, because every young woman just dreams of the day they’ll get to have unprotected group sex with an octogenarian.

I’m not ignoring history. Shitty people can occasionally do good things. It doesn’t mean they deserve to be revered as a person.

When I first moved to Florida I was standing outside my work and saw/heard something fall from a tree into the landscaping. I walk over to investigate and there in the bushes is the largest fucking rat I have ever seen being strangled by the largest fucking snake I have ever seen.

Let’s be real. The only reason he supported Roe vs. Wade is because he didn’t want a ton of little Hefners running around that he’d have to provide for or pay child support on. He definitely had ulterior motives on that one.

Same. The dude was repulsive in every way. He exploited and objectified women to make a shit ton of money. Gross.

I’ve noticed the number of women who think they look younger than they actually do is really high among my white acquaintances. And it’s also the ones who were always super tan and took zero care of their skin too. Maybe some kind of self-delusion to make themselves feel better?