
She even copied the baby voice at the start of Enchante. Beyonce did that on her track Blue.

Having a ton of money does not automatically make someone a good mother.

Um good for you?

And none of those things you cited have anything to do with maternal age at all.

She may want it. But having a kid at 20 when you’re vapid and immature and have a fuck ton of body image issues (not to mention she’s only known the father for about as long as she has been pregnant) is really really dumb. I understand why people are irritated with her. She’s a complete idiot, frankly.

True. My point being great relationship + average sex is better than shit relationship + great sex.

This relationship won’t last long.

This right here. Sex is important to me, but not nearly as important as having someone who is loyal, kind, caring, and pulls their weight in the relationship.

Same. But honestly, after dating a ton of douche guys who were great at sex, I’m totally cool being with a nice guy who is not as much of a horn ball.

Ah yes. Because white Christians are really the ones being persecuted right now in American society lololol.

They’re insufferable. And would someone please bring back alternative, Tragic Kingdom Gwen? Pop icon Gwen is nauseating.

Can someone please tell me who is reading this shit?

Who knows, maybe I did? :)

She failed it for me when she chose Sense & Sensibility over the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice.

No we don’t! And I’m sad about that. Maybe she’ll give us a shimmery pearl colored highlighter eventually? In the meantime, I’m buying everything else from her line!

You don’t know that for a fact any more than I do. They might exist, they might not. We will never know for sure unless someone comes forward.

This is a stupid argument.

Me too. As someone who always wears black and loves the 70s, I can totally get behind this gothic disco ball look.

I love his comedy, and I would be disappointed if this was true.

I think the better assignment would have been “Imagine you are a POC, how would you feel about the KKK if they were terrorizing you and your family?” It would have been a great exercise in empathy for the white students.