
That teacher is a hero and I don’t use that word often. And I hope Jacob can recover.

See, and here I was thinking someone else had to have tweeted it because I refuse to believe Donald Trump knows the words “paragon” or “virtue.”

my worst Miss U.

Maybe that’s the only time he can get his phone back from his aides? Serious question: how much of his constant attacks on Machado are a heavy handed attempt to frighten other women who have also been mistreated by him from going public?

Yeah, considering that Julianne Hough dressed up in blackface for Halloween in 2013, I wouldn’t hesitate to assume that her discomfort owed to (at the very fucking least) racial insensitivity.

I loved when in the intro episode and Amber met her dance partner and she said she was excited because she had been an exotic dancer. He sneered and said condescendingly “that’s not the kind of dancing we do here”. Uh step down dude. Have you ever seen your own show??? That’s pretty much the only dancing you do

Yup. Whenever someone starts with “trust me”, I don’t. Julianne Hough is insufferable and her lame-ass contextualization was elementary. We know what you meany, trick.

Nah she meant what she meant. A woman whose body is outside the realm of haughty white chaste sexuality is to be admonished to emphasize how it’s wrong and you wouldn’t dare cause you’re “good” or whatever bullshit thing white women have used to belittle women of color because they’re threatened that they won’t be in

What about inviting your friends in to watch and take a turn? No apology for that?

Whenever I see the name “Balmain” my mind first thinks “Batman”, which makes the relevant article much more fun.

The worst thing about the incident with the 15-year-old girl is that they slammed her against the wall, brutalized her all in the name of taking her to the hospital then didn’t take her anywhere near the hospital they took her to their manky station.

She’s 15, GOT HIT BY A CAR, cops were immediately assholes to her.

yeah it was in my neck of the woods, Hagerstown, Md. they claimed they were detaining her because she was too young to refuse medical attention, then pepper sprayed her and took her to the station and booked her. They never took her to the hospital.

Officially, they had to make sure she was okay because she could be injured . . . and they did that by pepper spraying her repeatedly and then never taking her to the hospital. Evil.

But what was her crime? What was the thought process here? You feel fine enough to not go the hospital so I’m going to kick your ass and pepper spray you so you do? More likely they wanted to punish a little black girl for having the temerity to tell them no. I mean, was she in custody at the time?

“depicting cops arresting and pepper-spraying a 15-year-old girl in Maryland after she’d refused to go to the hospital after having a minor bike collision with a vehicle”

There is a vicious feedback loop where the Republicans started careening to the right, which led to Donald Trump becoming their nominee because he holds a mirror up to what they are, and they like what they see. They like what he’s said and done and wish they could say and do the same things. He has legitimized

Amazing how he didn’t get shot. Amazing.

So many Americans are proud of being absolute pieces of shit. I truly hope this incident follows the fuckhead around forever and for fuck’s sake get him out of Public Safety. He clearly doesn’t give a fuck.

Ann Coulter doesn’t have the stamina to be a professional troll. Have you seen her lately? Something’s really wrong with her, a lot of people are saying. Had to cancel an event. Sad!