
I’m so fucking over people (read: men) questioning the timing of all of these admissions. I’ve come forward about a harasser, and had tons of other people come out of the woodworks who had been harassed but weren’t willing to be the first person to step up against a powerful harasser. He’s a tenured professor and we

It would be more hilarious if Melania filed for divorce RIGHT NOW.

someone on my fb shared a blog post from someone titled something along the lines of - I’m a white woman, sexual assault victim & this is why I’m voting for trump. I couldn’t bring myself to read it.

Ohio is a toss-up at this point, considering how unrealistic coal people want to cling to something that simply isn’t sustainable and how they’re pissed about Clinton telling them coal is over.

Or have Miles Teller in it since this movie sounds terrible and it’s just another reason to not see it.

The movie should cast all the Chrises, just to fuck everyone up.

Ed Helms, & Aziz Anasari, Dave Franco

Thanks for pointing out the obvious kick in the pants here. That stuck out to me also. Someone doth protest too much.

But if you don’t read the articles, then how do you know that they’re misinformed Michael?

Youth is not what makes Scientology crazy.

While I see no difference between someone believing in the Judeo-Christian God or believing in Xenu, there is something extra special crazy about Scientology simply because it’s so young and it’s foundation has an easily identifiable source.

I read recently that he got out. He and his wife are living free in Austin. Hope it’s true although it sounds like he treated his first wife like shit when she decided not to become a Scientologist.

“Especially when I know it’s misinformed.”

Pap smears are generally indicated after age 21 or so (or earlier if sexually active before then) regardless of sexual activity.

One of the things missing in that piece is what her husband did to help. Do they ever try having sex without penetration? What about make out-sessions with no sex? Getting hot and bothered without pressure to have sex could help

“I’m sure some of this was psychological: Both Luke and I grew up in Christian households, which I don’t regret in any way––we are still practicing Christians––but sex was never talked about in my family. ”

Or weed and oral? Oral sex is crucial to enjoyable sex. For some people. It might be easier to relax and re-teach your brain that sex is fun if you take penetration out of the equation? Like, just practice oral with your husband until you find yourself enjoying it and having an orgasm.

Marc Jacobs, Marc Jacobs, Marc Jacobs...!