
there were all the homeward bound movies too

you don’t know AARP....

He insists there is wild hyperbole in his reputation as a manslut

Crazy thing I recently learned, Milo & Otis was actually a Japanese film that they re-cut for American audiences.

In the podcast “You Must Remember This” about Madonna, the narrator discussed Warren Beatty and how someone once said to him something like “Is there a woman you wouldn’t fuck?” and he was like “Nope!” I think that’s sort of cool. I mean, the guy just liked to have sex. If he’s being upfront about it, what’s the

That dude is just so cool. He really does seem like a genuinely nice guy, and that’s the secret.

Film gets made, everyone loves it and it does well, so of course decades later it will be remade to cash in again. It’s almost like it’s the...

Sure, the baby’s all cute now, but just wait 20 years until it awakens and starts immolating people by controlling their mitochondria.

Feige: Um, we never talked about killing Cap in this, right? No.

Believe it or not, adopting, in some cases, can be way more expensive than fertility treatments (granted you have insurance coverage).

Maybe they were waiting for BrexPitt to hoover up all the tabloid attention.

Freddy vs. Jason was definitely a “don’t over-think it, in fact don’t think about it at all or you’re just asking for the sharp, stabbing headache that will inevitably follow” deal. But at least they came up with some kind of vaguely coherent rationale, that involved Robert England doing his campy-perv shtick as only

I was just typing a similar comment until I scrolled and saw yours. Here I am supporting my family, under intense pressure to finish my dissertation so I can be “legitimate” and also trying to be a good mom to my kids while we have zero savings or resources and someone just fucking hands it to her because she is rich,

So many people have devoted 25+ years of their lives to obtaining a PhD, academic research, and writing to teach at a world renowned university. If Angelina Jolie was teaching my class I would want my money back.

Siding with Lau and BryanBoy on this one. Their comments are elitist and hypocritical. They’re just mad because print magazines aren’t what they were and they’re too set in their ways to revamp their business model.

Clowns are the only thing I am afraid of, I mean really really afraid of. My fight or flight mechanism is kind of busted too because I have never been able to runaway. (My family is full of people who run towards the burning building.) My family knows better than to put me in a place where I’m within striking distance

Wouldn’t most people just be like “wtf was that?” and keep driving? I can’t imagine a situation where it’s like “Oh my god A FUCKING CLOWN!!! IT’S PENNYWISE!!” and a car crash. That’s what this assbasket wants to believe will happen, but shit, it wouldn’t. That’s why it hasn’t.

No, clowns ruined clowns. You cannot time travel to a time where people are not afraid of clowns because they are inherently scary.

Or! And I’m just spit-balling here, she’s actually doing herself a big favor playing into the “I don’t know a damn thing, okay?” version of events.

“I scoured everything I could possibly find about why vaccines might be harmful. I became pretty convinced.”