I have seen so many tabloid covers screaming about the rumored divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt that news of their actual divorce hit me not like a ton of bricks, but like a gentle dusting of old, scraped off grout from in between a ton of bricks.
I don’t know if you came up with BrexPitt but whoever did is a genius.
i feel like y’all are baiting us, taunting us to see if we’re going to bring up BrexPitt, and you know you’re only setting us up to fail
Lainey Gossip had something in June about Angelina wanting to sell their French vineyard and get into British politics and Brad didn’t want to do that.
Rita and Tom are still together! We still have Goldie and Kurt as well.
Cheaters gonna cheat. Sad for their 1 million adorable children.
Holy shit. I guess US Weekly was right, all 27 times they published this story.
Um, excuse me Rit and Tom are still married and no one will ever convince me they aren’t perfectly happy. Harrumph.
Does this mean we/the tabloids can declare that Jen won?
I give it three days before Star declares that Jenn paid Marion to break them up.
Do you work for Star? You do now!
Six kids in and she realizes she’s not cool with how he parents? Whatever. I was “Team Jen” and I suppose that was the long game. I hope the tabs hit us with years of “Lonely Brad” even if he has one hottie after another and takes fabulous vacations ala Jen Aniston, the woman who has figured out how to work just hard…
9 million dollars says he wouldn’t stop vaping and honestly I don’t blame you Angelina I really don’t.
Breaking up over parenting differences is sad, if that’s accurate. Huge difference between visitation and joint custody.
Cue the tabloids salivating over a Jen and Brad reunion (Jennifer Anniston Pregnant- and Brad’s the Dad!).
That’s just great. Now we’ll be inundated with “Brad Pitt gets back together with Jennifer Aniston” headlines for the next 20 years.
My work office is abuzz that he supposedly had an affair with Marion Cotillard when they filmed Allied. Which, if true, shouldn’t shock anyone including Angelina, as that is how she and Brad got together in the first place. Seems like his MO.