
I could only say this during the fight

Playstation All Stars was also a terrible game.

Get out of here with that uhm comma crap.

Garden of Terror is clearly the worst map in the entire game.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It’s about ethics in turf judging.

I tried to get people drawing something other than Squidward.


“how about, instead of filming in a real spot and adding fake cars, we shoot real cars and add a fake background?”

There, fixed that for you.

“ I would say that... perseverance is my number one atritude... aptude... attribute. I’m a people person. Uh, I work good with children. People like me. Because I force them to! With violence!”

Bowser went daring in his interview.

See, him getting hired was an inside job.

I’d like to give credit to the model Lucy Purr and the artist Cory McBurnett for the original photo.

Sony’s VP of Customer Service.

Exactly. The customer is not really right as often as they think they are.