You may have not of won that day, but you win our respects for being legit.
You may have not of won that day, but you win our respects for being legit.
I tried out for one of the original championships. The games were Super Mario Bros., Rad Racer, and Tetris. I practiced the crap out of those games until I had it perfect. It wasn’t until after I started the tryout that I saw the guy next to me using an exploit to gain crazy amounts of points on SMB (something…
I miss Progress Quest.
My favorite was always the Great Fairy from Wind Waker. But, that’s just me.
I’m not sure I totally agree. In my experience so far, it’s actually proved harder to come back in HOTS because farming isn’t as rewarding as it is in LoL. In League I’ve managed to come back by avoiding the enemy and farming safely to build up gold/xp for a little while. HOTS games are so rapid-fire it feels much…
It’s Reggie Fils-aMac for sure.
I read that during the demo and said out loud, “That is pointless.”
What is this, a screencap for ants?
Weirdly enough, the Steam mobile app seems to preserve Steam chats for quite some time compared to the desktop client which immediately forgets them the second you close the window. It doesn’t matter if the chats were on the desktop client or the mobile app, it has a sizeable amount of your most recent chats with each…
So, an hour of online play a day at three inconvenient times? That’s ridiculous.
Dogs, of course.
Invoker? I cant believe Blizzard have got such poor imaginations they have to copy an existing MOBA character. Volvo should sue.
While I am all for them adding more characters, Heroes of the Storm seems to be more Heroes of Warcraft. They need to add more StarCraft and Diablo characters in my opinion. How about some Deckard Cain goodness? lol
Literally happening for every persona dancing game post..
Smart AI is chess master on maximum difficulty. It’s cruel to the average human, and arguably not fun either.
For me, the most terrifying aspect was the tedious trial-and-error gameplay.
Can’t wait for “Freddy goes to Hell” and Freddy vs Freddy
Silent Hills gets cancelled and YouTube Clickbait: The Game gets a fourth installment. There is no God.