
For what it's worth, deriving the acceleration due to gravity on Mario's planet is like a grade 11/12-level physics problem. Not trying to denigrate the video since they look at other aspects, but believe me, you guys could do this if you took an afternoon to watch some introductory physics videos.

These acquaintances of yours need higher standards. BBT is the nerd equivalent of a minstrel show.

Yeah, BBT seems designed for people that still hold like a 40-year-old perception of how geeks behave and is an outsider looking in. For anyone even remotely involved in any kind of geek subculture, or for anyone actually really informed on science and tech, the show is a joke. All they do is name drop Neil deGrasse

If they don't have a distinguishing mark on their cheek like Naruto or Luffy, I literally can't tell any of these fucking eyes apart.

The Driver: San Francisco soundtrack is better than it has any right to be. Given that the game is very much a late 70s car movie, it actually has a really good mix of modern songs/remixes of old songs that evoke that era of rock and funk and stuff. It's really, really good.

Hasn't the mark always "run" the wrestling industry? At the end of the day, they're the customer, and if they're entertained they'll come back.

That was a cool video, thanks for sharing it, Luke.

There are a lot of PC-only devs for whom I have no idea how they or their games ever got much notoriety, and then giant surprise, they put out sequels to make a quick buck that are basically the same game.

That explains all of the dumb monsters you had to fight in Far Cry 1 AND ONLY FAR CRY 1.

Hey man, top priority for engineers (right after safety) is to use your budget efficiently. If a cold apartment isn't going to kill her, more power to her.

I think she moved there for an engineering job?

The "third pillar" was always just a marketing buzzword so that gamers wouldn't freak out when Nintendo announced the DS, (at the time) this two-screened hinged monstrosity that looked nothing like the Game Boys people had come to know and love.

Yeah, I don't know if he liked being weekend editor and having to do slightly goofier writing topics than the weekday editors of Kotaku, but he seemed like he had fun with it and he was really quite good at making those articles entertaining.

I miss Owen.

I still think you're confusing "political/social agendas" with "business agendas". Yes, perhaps Joystiq lacked both types of agenda, but the "political/social agenda" is not the one getting enough pageviews to stay afloat. Yes, comments sections go nuts over a Gamergate article or whatever, but those are few and far

They should honestly just remove all of the bad legendaries from the game. No one wants them, and they just rob you whenever RNGesus decides you get a legendary drop.

lol, wut? Social or political agendas have nothing to do with it.

True. That milk is the greatest Zelda item ever.

Good point. Realistically, there can't have been that many kids' card games and board games to feature the Ultraman/Godzilla license in the 60s and 70s, and the one in Attack of the Friday Monsters does hew pretty close to Ultraman.