Bertolt Brechtiosaurus

Well, others have now told me they can bite people, but the venom is only enough to make one mildly nauseous. I’ve read elsewhere their fangs are too weak. So I dunno.

Or ate them. Win/win.

even those that aren’t harmless don’t seek humans as prey

You know it’s weird - thanks to a totally arachnophobic mom, I was not prepared to encounter Aussie spiders when I moved here. But some of them are so beautiful that my own arachnophobia has actually gone away over the years. I love it when the St Andrews Cross spiders take up residence in our garden.

Huntsman spiders are venomous - but their fangs are too weak to break human skin (so pets are safe too). Other bugs and nastier spiders on the other hand are fair game (that’s the first thing native-born Aussies will tell you as you scream and run from the room - ‘Noooo, despite their horrible appearance, unearthly

You do get used to huntsman spiders sneaking into the house through the year (especially when our three cats are pretty good at making sure said spider becomes a toy/snack pretty quickly), but I can’t imagine ever becoming accustomed to one inside the car (hasn’t happened to me yet - if/when it does, you’ll hear my

Living in Oz as I do, I’ve had quite a few friends relate tales of huntsman spiders (like the one in the video) as surprise guests in their car. The worst to happen to any of them was a bit of careening across lanes on a major motorway as they screamed and flailed madly in the air before coming back to their senses.

real-life Kinja grays

Me me me with the ungreyingness? I’m not particularly skilled at cooking but am easily influenced, and often in need of food ideas, so I might come here and hear mention of a recipe and instantly go ‘unggg, yessss, I shall cook that tonight.’

Oh yeah, it’s going to be a rear-action (so to speak) battle from the reactionaries as they try to amend any bill into paralysis and oblivion, making sure that Labor and Greens can’t support it in good conscience.

Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull, a member of the Conservative Party

Just chiming in to say that was great article you linked to from Feminist Current. As a big gay poofterperson, I thank you.

I’m getting gladder by the day that I pretty much stopped seeing many movies or watching tv a decade or three ago, and have no idea who many of these creeps are. Most of my favourite male entertainers are dead and/or forgotten.

people mostly use Hiragana and Katakana these days

Alas, my only spooky story is that whenever I try to star a story or comment here, the number of stars the post has received goes down.

I reversed the numbers, I think it’s supposed to be 5-7-5 syllables per line

You need to work harder on your trolling. This is some D+ amateur hour shit.

My attraction to men is problematic.

Thanks for the pointers! I literally just said a few hours ago ‘and I have to spend time in a Zen temple’, so visiting Tenryu-Ji temple sounds perfect.

Ummigawd, when I worked as an admin. assistant at Harvard I had my own office. With a door.