Bertolt Brechtiosaurus

Here is Sydney, Australia, I spent two spells in a clinic two years ago(? I think) now, for chronic depression and severe anxiety. It was good to get a break from the everyday world and have the chance to get a good look at yourself with like-minded (out-of-minded?) folks, and of course with professional care and

But of course! The Last Great Muumuu Wearer, she was. But then I don’t watch much tv these days, so there may be new ones since.

Extra points for the Witchiepoo shout out; one of my early childhood role models.

alleges that Beyoncé practiced “dark magic” and “magic spells of sexual molestation,” and that she killed her kitten

Gawd, if my wardrobe would consist only of Endora-and-Maude-like muumuus and kaftans I’d be a happy guy.

Speaking (well, typing) as a gay white guy, I sadly have to agree - some of the most horrifically racist remarks I have ever heard have come out of the mouths of other gay white males. We won’t even mention the misogyny.

Oh yeah, as a former/recovering Yank, for my North Amurkin friends I usually write ‘the inaptly-named Liberal Party’ when mentioning them. Whilst we’re a Parliamentary system down here, two parties are pretty much The Big Ones - Liberal (conservative & getting moreso by the millisecond) and Labor (not Labour; spelled

My husband’s best friend is a Leyonhjelm devotee (never fear, my husband does not share his politics) and as I get older and more jaded and fed the fuck up, I find it increasingly difficult to be in the same room as his friend

Likewise. Aussie women consistently impress me. Aussie men, not so much. Which, being a gay man, doesn’t do much for my subcultural social life (aside from making me constantly whinge to my husband that we need more lesbian friends).

Ummigawd, as an Aussie, to watch this and watch this long-despised creep just blunder along right into it gives me such pleasure. Such pleasure.

To paraphrase Bette Davis:

As a Kinsey 11 who’s always gone for short hair/buzzcuts/shaveyheads his entire life, I endorse this event and/or product.

Ummigawd, as a no-attachments-head-clipperer and occasional head-shaver, I would love to get my hands on this. Must investigate if they export to Australia ...

As someone for whom rock and roll is The One True Religion, one that has saved my life quite literally at several points in my life, and shaped me more than any other artistic/cultural force I can think of, SHUT UP BONO.

It’s nice to be married (again)! Hubs and I were wed in the first Gavin-Newsom-fuelled flush of San Francisco weddings back in ‘08. We’d just moved to Hubs’ native Australia the previous year; he was in SF for a work trip and I rushed over to get it done.

when talking with other men do you use the word pussy a lot?

It tasted just like burnt pork. A little greasy, a little burnt-sweet—it was definitely burnt pork.


We have screen doors & screens on our windows (I dread hordes of mosquitos getting in worse than I do spiders), but the damned things squeeze through somehow! Sort of like that documentary where they showed huge rats squeezing through holes the size of a US nickel.

Well ... hard to tell. They’ve def. jumped off shelves/walls at friends trying to rescue & release them. My one attempt at such an act (scoot it into a bucket/tupperware thing; open a door outside and free it) led to the hunstman first crossing the living room ceiling in a split second, then scrambling madly up the