Bertolt Brechtiosaurus

Given the fact that I do not go to theatres to see new movies at all (last time was for the last Yank Godzilla re-do), saying there is no huhWAY I’ll enter a theatre for this doesn’t really resound with the refusenik boycottness I wish it would hold, but still.

But on the other hand... it’s a burrito.

I went to Kyoto and there are a large number of companies there who will dress you up in traditional costume for a day.

That is one beautiful cat.

Always sad when a kitty moves away. Are you in the UK or Australia? ‘Cause I had a juvenile little giggle at the name, since in the UK and here (Australia) at least,‘smalls’ is a term for underwear.

Oooh, does Betty have some Siamese in her? Totally looks like it. What a beauty.

Yep, I’m a Sydneysider! I’ll have to venture toward the Marrickville farmer’s market some time. Thanks for the heads-up!

Oh, I grew up in the US and lived in California for a while, so I wasn’t recommending them as really really good & authentic, just as probably the best one can get (in fast-food perspective) I’ve found so far in mostly Mexican-foodless Australia.

I would say ‘as a compulsive fellatist this worries me’, but nowadays I am also an Olde™, so nobody aside from my partner is all that eager to be shoving their dick down my throat these days. Plus I live in Sydney, City Of Bottoms, so even the ones who turn up are interested in other activities ...

My partner is Aussie (well, I am too, now, living in Oz for nearly ten years now). Back we lived in San Francisco he’d have fits of rage at the very existence of Outback. ‘It’s ... it’s not Australian!’

Have you tried the Mad Mex or Guzman y Gomez chains? They do pretty good Mexican, fast-food style. They’re all over Sydney.

I’m pretty sure that’s the town my elder brother lives in! It’s some weird-named tiny town in Alaska. If so should ask him if he ever met his mayor.

I grew up with male cats and female dogs (the total opposite of usual assumed pet genders), so I’ve always stuck with male cats out of habit. Also because the only times I’ve ever lived with cats who don’t get along have been times when I moved in with roomies or partners who had females who never acclimated to my

Oooh, Hubbysaurus is a big Austen fan. I should alert him to this eventual auction. If he’s willing to pay shipping to Australia as well, that is.

And it’s to-MAH-to sauce, not tuh-MAY-to sauce!

Yep, and also here in Australia. I was born and raised in the US where it has no real baggage, so I find it funny. Granted, probably not if some jerk uses it in an obviously insulting way, but in levity it makes me giggle.

As a big gay poofterhead, it was a godsend eons ago for young still-not-quite-out-even-to-myself me when my mom bought my squeamish and easily-embarrassed sister an issue of Playgirl as a ‘joke’ xmas present. She just tossed it on a shelf and forgot about it. I did not. No, verily, I did not.

Ha! Yes, there’s a reason (many reasons) we’ve been watching a dvd set of Busby B musicals and another of old Three Stooges shorts in our household lately ...

I am so sad that I’ve lived so far away from my nephews and nieces since they were very young. I could so have been the embarrassing uncle with the cute-but-humiliating-to-a-teen stories from their childhood to tell in front of their friends.

Hooray! That’s the uni where I’m PhD’ing!