Bertolt Brechtiosaurus

I dunno, as a person of penis I once read someone here calling said male bodybit ‘the no-no carrot’ and, once I finished giggling for far too long, stapled the phrase into my vocabulary.

A stupid stunt to be sure, but for PETA (itself no stranger to stupid stunts) to claim kangaroos are ‘not hardy animals’ shows its membership obviously have never dealt with roos in the wild (let alone slammed into one with their car, as has already been mentioned hereabouts).

RIP to a prime founder and god of The One True Religion, Rock And Roll.

As a big gay poofterhead who likes bowties, and the right guys in bowties, I refuse to stoop to saying ‘@notallbowties’ ... but do, however, offer to help the above-pictured conservadweebs’ bowties for them.

I’ve been trying to find someone who sells those special mynah traps for eons! Like I said, I’m usually the most non-animal-violence person around (aside from smushing cockroaches; that’s a given), but man would I love to help purge these deadly pests. I’d camp out on the big shopping street of my suburb where

Having grown up with a very arachnophobic mother, it took me years after moving to Australia to get used to the idea of huntsman spiders. Big. Huge. Incredibly fast. Now I’m actually sort of ‘meh’ when I see one that’s snuck into the house - though the bigger they are, the less sincere the ‘meh’. It helps that, with

I love cassowaries! Just ... not up close.

Yeah, Aussies are a bit more relaxed about business names. We have a local repair service called ‘Just Screw It’.

As a recovering Yank and total cold sissy who grew up hating northeast US winters, I adore sitting around a patio table under an umbrella eating cold cuts and salads as xmas dinner. And then spending New Years’ Day at the beach (intensity-of-hangover dependent).

Cane toads are sadly even more prevalent than ever. Spreading like crazy all across the north of the continent. They haven’t gotten into the Sydney region (my neck of the woods) yet. The populations of many native Aussie carnivores from birds to lizards to mammals are plummeting because they try to eat the cane toad

Yes, city dwellers are (comparatively) safer in the everything-will-kill-you antipodean sweepstakes, but the Sydney region has the funnelweb spider - one of the (if not The) world’s deadliest spiders. And unlike most wildlife that finds clearing for neighbourhood yards bad and flees, funnelwebs like domesticated

I also suspect that we’d lose a minimum 25% of our stuff. Because somehow we can’t stop funding the art of sexually assaulting scum.

I’d definitely err on the side of caution (and keeping my head) myself, so good for you. Also, this:

Every time I’ve ever rented a new house, I jokingly/not really ask the owner if it’s haunted.

I often had dreams about my partner after he died (gawd, 20+ years ago now!) - like on one or two other folks wrote, my dreams were often disconcerting because in them, I was always incredibly angry toward him, or he was nowhere to be found but I knew he was nearby, or I found out he was in my city all along but just

UMMIGAWD. I wonder if they’d pass Aussie customs. They’re very protective about food/plant stuff coming in. I shall investigate! Thank you!

The one thing that traumatises me about life in Australia is, as an old mid-Atlantic-states-raised guy, I will probably never have Drake’s Cakes snacks again. Yodels were my childhood’s secret holy wafer.

Apparently this lady is the day’s uber-celebrity of the internyets, ‘cause before I could even get my partner’s attention and show this to him, he said over his shoulder ‘if it’s about the lady who has 12 cats, we already have three and you can’t.’

I laughed too long an inappropriately at this gif. And they wonder why cat gifs rule the internyets.

Yoko Ono’s Rising record, which Sean played on, quite literally saved my life when I was suicidal over the death of my partner, but I gotta say - Sean, honey, no. Just ... no. Hush. Maybe re-read some of your mum’s lyrics from Sometime in New York City or the brilliant Approximately Infinite Universe. Meanwhile ...