Bertolt Brechtiosaurus

A giraffe that sings a cover of Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music! I love it!

Victorian police (as in Victoria, Australia, where he's currently been on a tour holding 'seminars') are currently confirming Blanc has fled Australia after immense pressure forced cancellations (and a near riot when his goons tried to hold an event on a small cruise boat following several locations denying him

Perhaps my favourite name for any of my cats came about by total accident. We got an all-black kitten from a FREE KITTENZ box outside the supermarket - the mother/daughter pair giving them away declared we'd chosen a girl. Fine, all black, we couldn't tell; it was the one who boldly marched up to my partner's hand as

Ahhh, we have a Firbank (after effete and criminally-forgotten author Ronald Firbank) in our house - a brown mink Tonkinese. He is quite the suave sophisticate. Well, unless he sees either a loose shoestring or our other cat's tale. Then berserk chasing/swatting erupts.

The battle lost, the war was won. Mess ye not with Team Cat.

That's my hometown! Do I know you?

As someone who spent two glorious years in rural central California, driving over to Cambria (perhaps my favourite spot on earth next to Far Northern Queensland) to simply sit in the glorious sunshine on the goldyorange rocky shoreline to watch sea otters swim and play in the shallows and kelp beds, all I can say is

I just love when women are able to see who the real enemy is: MEN MEN MEN MEN ALWAYS MEN.

Bismarck confused. Bismarck read article. Bismarck depressed and hate humanity (read about finance bro Brian who sadly typical). But Bismarck feel uplift and cheered (read about Laura take no guff and boss who support). Bismarck brane hurt. Go Laura! Boo world ('cept restaurant).

Britney is still switched on? I thought they'd dismantled it and given its parts to their new droid Taylor Cyrus or whoever.

Yeah, I was born/raised in the US, so when California first had that brief window of marriage equality back in '08 my Aussie partner and I, freshly-migrated to Sydney from San Francisco, whooooshed back to get married - at the time, who knew how long it might be before a chance like that would be possible again? And

Oh gawd, I grew up in farmland peeA with Philly as the closest city - the one and only thing that can identify my region of birth is, I am completely unable to not say 'wooder'. Every other aspect of identifiable regional accent has been flattened out, but wooder is lodged forever in my speech.

I moved around the US enough as a young(-er) 'un that my amurkin accent flattened out into a general North American thing. Living in Australia as I now do, I'm actually asked if I am from Canada more often than the US (oddly, I've been asked far more times than one would think if I'm Irish, too - which no, I have not

Gawd/dess/es/LitteRichard, I have many descriptive terms to toss his way but I will keep to outdated old ones like 'cad'. I think more creative folk here have it well-covered.

Not-quite-off-topic, but parade victory aside, that closing gif is like the best ever. I am so stealing it.

I can dig it. Years ago when living in central California my own dearly-departed black cat, The Magnificent Weensie, saved my life. I'd tried to wedge a too-large log into the big woodstove, put it back on the tile after a quick (too quick; I was a recent silly cityboy transplant to the hills of SLO County) scan to

UGH, it's basically Strangers Bothering You: The App. (I hate talking to people.)

Wot, so he hasn't got up the courage to Come Out yet, nor announce his unquenchable yearning to pair up with a former Yank now living in Australia with two Tonkinese cats? It's a very specific 'type' to have, Harry, but it's okay. You can admit it, Harry. I AM WAITING, DO YOU HEAR, HARRY

Gawd, I wish I had this affliction. I mumble a bit in my sleep, but that's about it. Also, add me to the 'QUIT RAT-CHATTERING LIKE MAD PIES' appreciation society. I am going to Make This Phrase Happen in Australia, I swear.