Bertolt Brechtiosaurus

You could submit a string of those sleepyquotes to a major modern/experimental poetry prize panel and win, I bet.

I gave up on Dr Who halfway through the Tennant run (sorry, he just annoyed me), but between finally getting a grumpy old Doctor again (Doctors 1-3 are my eternal favourites) and reading this:

As a Yank emigre to Australia, I read somewhere that native Aussie bees don't sting. Not that I'm going to test this because (a) imported bees are around too and (b(ee)) everything in Australia can kill you somehow; I don't want to find out how a stingerless Aussie bee could manage this.

About the only thing that keeps me from grinding my teeth to dusty crunchy bits reading these swine trying to warp Williams' death to their medieval schemes is giggling whilst imagining the verbal whiplashing blizzard Robin would have inflicted on them if he were alive.

Yeah, I bet it's a 'gays! everywhere! looking at/desiring none but meeee!' thing some (note: some not all; I am not making sweeping statements!) straight guys seem to have. What's even worse is, I've noticed a spree of (usually younger) guys showering at the gym - in swimsuits/underwear. Firstly, I don't think soap

I'm bad at the celebrity ogling and am contemporary-cinema-illiterate, so the list in the Bismarckverse goes:

Without teh doxxing myself (lookame! an Old has learned them Youngun wurds!), let's just say re:the first names I was given (but legally changed anyway ... long if tragical romantical story) were far better than my mother's first emotional choices. Being born about 9 months after 22 November 1963, my first and

Why can't the rational opposition just start pointing, guffawing loudly, and slapping their knees when hooey like this gets spewed on governmental floors? A tactic of wielding a chorus of loud disruptive belly-laughs would probably sink these Tea Party yahoos faster than any attempt at discursive engagement.

I read a quote eons ago that went something like 'honey, an open relationship will make a strong relationship stronger, and a bad one fall apart fast.'

Add me to the 'Final Wars' appreciation society. Especially since when I view the dvd I just fast forward past the stupid human mutant fighty stuff directly to the really great monster duels. That final G/Ghidorah fight is among the best.

If I could just find a few really light-material skirts for those moments when summer in Sydney really whomps into full strength, I'd wear 'em around (granted, I live in a very tolerant section of the city). I still recall the moment I realised they could functional, one heat-wave week years ago in Boston when I

Though in my experience, a lot straight folks claiming they've been hit on in gay spaces 'a LOT' tend to be grotesquely exaggerating (unless they're bloody Adonis) to cover for their more phobic-based discomfort ('that guy over there ... he ... he LOOKED at me; jeez this place gives me the creeps they all wanna TOUCH

One door closeth, another opens - we may have sadly lost Colonel Meow, feline internyet overlord, who hath crossed yon Rainbow Bridge; but lo, we hath been given Tara, our superheroine über Katze.

Why don't we just send him to Australia? If the natives don't do him in, the nature sure as hell will.

searches lists for mention of Jeff Corwin

Now playing

I've got nothing ... but I found this and am thinking 'Awwww. We wuz all so young and world was some-potential and a yet-unwithered once.' For those of us who were younger soonerlater than when you were younger and thus lugged with a past far further than yours, or what yours will soonday be.

Quarter-life crisis? Heck, I'm turning 50 in August and much as I despise the concept of midlife crisis, it seems to be suddenly whammybarring me blammo in the face. It never arrives, you're always young you will always stare in the mirror and wonder why your parent is saying hello in the post-shower steamed-up

Ha! That's quite in line, given the dozens of other Ginsberg tales I've heard over the eons ...

I have, unfortunately, read this article, and now wonder if my legs will ever uncross in time for me to get to university for class later ...

Another Old chiming in with (a) I don't even know who 3/4 of these folks being named are and (b) my proof-that-I'm-an-Old (point (a) not being proof enough) story.