Bertolt Brechtiosaurus

As an aging wine-sodden big gay poofterhead of a guy, who has successfully navigated an agreed-upon (critical phrase, there) open relationship for mumblemumble years, watching him try to cloak his male-privilege one-sided cheato-decepti-lies in pseudo-intellectual trappings is ... humourous. Keep digging, T.

Yeah, unless Kim Gordon suddenly issues a statement saying 'wha - OH I FORGOT, yeah, dear li'l Thurston asked nicely and I agreed to an open relationship, oops, my bad', I'm siding with the Thurston's-a-dick crowd.

Eek. I'm in Sydney and about to run up the street to do some shopping. Was gonna make tacos and thus guacamole tonight. I may have to check prices carefully (as opposed to my usual 'just toss it into the shopping basket without a thought' laziness) ...

Or if you're talking about folks who worship the Pet Shop Boys.

I am happy that 'bro' seems so far to have made little inroad among the gay male world, at least here in Australia. My teeth have been ground to nubs already after decades of hearing 'dude' and 'boi' and (if one even walks past a gym occasionally) 'jock' ... (/aged curbludgeon)

Oh my gawd/dess/es/LittleRichard, I live in Australia and I hadn't heard this. And to think I've been leaning toward the wombat as my favourite Aussie beast (sorry, platypus).

Me too. And I shave my head.

Ah, thanks from a semi-Luddite (Luddite-Lite?). Let us try this miracle of internyettery:

This is why I tell people, 'I am not a Grammar Nazi. Please refer to me as a Grammar Totalitarian. Thank you.'

Oh gawd. Can we keep Hilton classified forever under 'distasteful orange ghoul'? As a white gay guy who at least tries to keep an eye on his privilege and unwanted-but-lurking-in-the-inherited-white-subconscious casual racism/sexism, I want to be taxonomically as far removed from him as possible.

Brilliant exchange though - well, on the part of K Guillory I mean. Tried the gentle & sensible approach, received Hilton unplugged (unhinged), made proper deduction, signed off.

Agreed - luckily when I was first coming out and moved from farmland peeA to the big city mumbletymumble years ago, I was adopted by a bunch of (semi-)separatist lesbians - I can only guess I was judged 'mostly harmless', as Douglas Adams would say - and got a quick education about presumptions, casual sexism/racism,

Yeah, as a great big gay poofterhead myself, Perez Hilton embarrasses the poop out of me - mostly 'cause of just about everything he says/writes/does, of course. But also because, like any minority/subgroup, the behaviour of one gets broadstroked (so to speak) onto the identity of the whole group. So suddenly I'm

Oh gawd/dess/es/LittleRichard, hate on a calculating manufactured pop mannequin who has to leap for cheap attention ploys to disguise her mediocre easily-replaceable dime-a-dozen songs, or snicker at religious wackoes screaming offense and blasphemy and demanding the world accommodate their hairtrigger sensitivities

As a Godzilla fan since childhood ... I dunno. If the movie's gonna take as long to get past washed-out shots of bellowing everyman/weepy heroine/brooding hero + endless shots of amurkin-styled disaster porn + teasy-teasy flashes of giant reptile in order to get to even a glimpse of the total of The Big G, I might

I was gonna say 'yeah, my mom made tuna casserole all the time when I was a child too', until I realised ... that was the '70s.

I'm a recently-minted Aussie citizen, and while this makes me happy as can be (existence of current government excepted), the one thing I find very hard to adapt to is, Aussies love beets (well, beetroot, they call it here). Put in on way too much stuff. I am constantly sliding circles of congealed purplish slime

Yeah, his level of literacy does make me wonder how he makes it through a script reading.

It's stuff like this that make me glad I watch just about 0% of recent tv shows. Not snobbery, more laziness: decades ago I realised I'm too much a loaf to both keep up with television and read all the stuff I want to, while still having any willingness to devote to life functions aside from sleep. I'm spared

Yeah, even when I first read it a bamillion years ago now, I remember thinking 'jeez, I think the right wing is using this as a "how-to" manual.'