Bertolt Brechtiosaurus

I'm new around here; I gotta figure out gif-posting just to stea- errr, borrow masterstrokes like this one.

Agreed with the 'silly episode/moment=often the best' sentiment, having just re-watched the whole original series on dvd. Sadly (for my partner) it has reignited my tendency to smash a pancake (or similarly-shaped soft objects) against the back of my neck whilst yelling in a warning voice, 'Spooooock!!' (see:

Everyone down here in Australia let out a collective cheer when he showed up to The Ashes (UK-Oz test cricket for those Not In The Know) blustering somethingsomething about Australia's bowlers, agreed to try batting during a break in the match, and wound up knocked to the ground with bruised ribs.

God/dess/es/LittleRichard bless this video on multiple levels - including the fact that, even as a Zeppelin fan since the tender age of 12 (me being now mumblemumble years of age), this was the first time I learned the actual lyrics. My phonetic interpretation of Plant's yellymoany phrasings was ... different. Like I

Definitely agreed - and if they truly wanted to 'spur a healthy discourse on a highly passionate topic' and other buzzphrases, they could very very easily, I bet, found a, you know, real situation of homophobic bullying or discrimination to bring attention to. There are, I hazard to wildly guess, most likely a few of

One of the most famous lines in Russian literature is from Mikhail Bulgakov's 'The Master and Margarita' where a six-foot tall obese cat demon burns someone's assembled state record on the devil's orders as the devil (going by the name Woland) (um, long story; I highly recommend the book) says, 'no papers; no person',

As an immigrant to Oz whose time in the States consisted of zero interest in any sport, the only game I follow is Aussie Rules Football (the tiny uniforms that often get ripped apart help) - to me the real season doesn't even start til 14 March.

In kitty heaven, you catch the red dot, and it tastes of tuna.

IT IS JESUS! ... and, on (appropriately) the middle toe, it is Jesus' arm & hand giving us the finger.

Ill Papa