
Is it weird to be... kinda excited for a Pokemon release for the first time in years? There’s the possibility of a novel time-travel plot thread and the open-world structure just might make exploration in a mainline entry actually interesting again.

Not really.  We can track it.  Adversaries can track it.  We can also see when adversaries have done something to it.  The point of a trip like this is to be visible, so part of it is to see who flinches first.

It’s an Air Force plane. They can turn off the transponder and ADS-B if they really wanted to, or felt threatened. But in public airspace, it’s polite to tell other planes where you are so TCAS and ATC can help other planes avoid you.

Or any flight, I guess the positive is what the intent was, being able to know when they will get here. 

So you’re suggesting that Bruce’s recovery in The Dark Knight Rises was realistic?

I see. So you believe that people look at Batgirl’s miraculous recovery and think “Hey, what are all these lazy paraplegics sitting around for? If a fictional comic book superhero can recover from a spinal injury, surely they can too!” Alrighty.

Incorrect. I’ve asserted that superheroes (going by the commonly accepted classifications of superhero) commonly perform superhuman feats. That doesn’t necessarily mean they have superhuman powers in the lore, only that they can do things that people generally can’t do in reality (e.g. recovering from a broken back

So, according to your logic, Batman, Batgirl, Batwoman, Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood, Hawkeye, Green Arrow and Iron Man aren’t superheroes either because they don’t have any supernatural abilities. I guess the numerous Green Lanterns aren’t superheroes either because they derive their powers from a tool (their rings)

Talk about bad analogies. Stupid cops co-opted the Punisher logo because they agreed with his philosophy of lethal punishment, not because of his unrealistic ability to recover from injuries that would cripple or kill people in real life. Even then, they didn’t suddenly believe in lethal punishment just because the

But given how they didn’t do any research about recovery until AFTER fans brought it up, I have significant doubts.

I guess the probability of recovery depends on the nature of the injury? Batgirl was shot in the spine, so maybe that’s more severe than other spinal injuries? In any case, though, Batgirl is a fictional comic book superhero so it doesn’t really make sense to treat anything about her as an attempt at realism. That’s

I know five people who have recovered from broken backs. They're all athletes. Seems legit to me.

Sorry, yeah, I’m bitter. I really loved Oracle and I really loved Cassies Cain

How common is that? It seems so ridiculous that it couldn’t be any more than an exception but maybe I have too much faith in humanity.

Yeah, that probably would have been better. They already deviated from Jason’s backstory in both the comics and Arkham Knight. Could have easily done the same for Barbara.

I feel like you missed my point entirely. I already covered this. Superheroes defy science. That includes recovering from injuries that would cripple or kill people in real-life. Think about how much damage superheroes take. How many times has Batman been hit in the head? Realistically, he should have brain damage by n

Gotham Knights isn’t out yet. Nobody knows how much of Batgirl’s lore is explored in the game or how much they delve into her recovery. The blurb people are complaining about is just a brief bio featured on the game’s website. Again, this is on the game’s website, not the game itself.

You should read through the discussion I’ve been having with Blind Prophet. It probably covers all the points you’d make and my rebuttals.

Yes. The non-lethal rounds thing is canon. Jason used real bullets when he was pissed at Batman, but once he came around and started trying to be his ally again, they reached a compromise where he used non-lethal bullets.

Yes, non-lethal bullets are a stupid way to justify putting guns in a game with non-lethal combat. It was particularly dumb in Arkham Knight where your tank somehow had non-lethal miniguns and explosives. Oh, and all the enemy tanks and helicopters you blew up were conveniently unmanned drones.