
eh, I’d argue the Switch got the better deal. 4K graphics for a game that came out 25 years ago (that’s right folks, a quarter century, feel every minute of that one) will not really change much.

“An abomination who should be killed” is a FAR cry from what those links talk about.

I’d rather you starve too.  :)

Umm...I’m gonna need some citation for your claims there.

....and they make a great chicken sandwich.  Service is extraordinarily good as well.

There w as nothing wring with CFA’s tweet and terminally online people are looking for something to be mad at.

All religions should be banned as there is nothing that supports their existence.

Well aren’t you a fascist piece of shit. Good day!

Jeez, I guess someone never aged out of their “edgy atheist teenager” phase . . .

Not really. Now when banks refer to their branches as stores, that is awkward wording whether they sell stuff or not.

If that’s what you believe, then fine. But how is them being closed impacting your life?

If you find what they said offensive, then the problem is with you. Where do you find Chick-fil-A? Malls, airports, commercial areas, and communities. The good Lord has richly blessed me with three Chick-fil-As within a 2.1 miles of our house.

I feel like it’s worth pointing out that, y’know, maybe you shouldn’t be dealing with these homophobic bigots at all.  Their menu shouldn’t matter, unless you don’t care about queer people.

Some folks still slide through the drive-thru trying to forget about the Trump-loving Chick-fil-A affiliates who nearly tarnished the brand’s reputation with their campaign donations.

Asking wdym?  Seems reasonable.  Leaping to slay the chain based on that tweet before giving them a chance to answer the question seems not so reasonable.

Yeah that’s a bit of a stretch...

Looking through this one, there was zero need to even have images.  Just an article describing what was in the document would have sufficed, and a link to the original document.   

100% with you, but you can still right click and “open in new tab/window” it.

Dear Herb,

Thank you for resisting the temptation to make this a video.