
On Twitch it’s Morbin’ Time.
Go go Morbius Rangers!  You Mighty Morbin’ Morbius Rangers!

lol it was morbing good time tho so

These trolling systems are eventually cracked as well. They only work at first because no one bothers to check for them.

Ha, you must love the smell of your own farts. Christ, the self-entitlement of this dumb take smells from here.

“I have no choice...”  Fuck off.  You are literally on a “gaming reviews, news and tips” website which is an option to get an idea of a game before you buy it.

Sounds like an excuse, because demos are still aplenty, and most online Stores do have a period where you can still refund the game.

Do words just not have meaning anymore? Has the term “Far-Right” been so overused that it is not scary enough anymore for clickbait, that we are going to start using “Ultra-Conservative” to describe anyone with any views that are further right than center?

What’s next after this one is overused? Ultra Megazord Right

Decided to give it a stab since I had some dough left in my Steam wallet. Hopefully it doesn’t... suck. Blahahahaha. OK OK I’m leaving...

I was gifted it yesterday to play with my friends. It’s pretty dang fun. You actually feel like a vampire. Have to be careful in the day, don’t have to worry about silly “mortal” things like carry weight. Get to make your own little castles. And there is a baseline reason why you feel more powerful than the standard

...people with guns tend to be violent with their guns.

If they mean regular gun crimes like armed robberies, drive-bys, that type of thing then they’re right. It’s often cheaper to buy a stolen gun and if you’re a career criminal you don’t care that it’s stolen and it may be impossible for you to buy a gun legally. But domestic terrorists tend to have clean records with

This guy is over here rooting for corporations to milk the most out of consumers. Accompanied by some sort of fedora laugh.

Really weird.

I dunno, there people who were, like me, gifted subscription cards by my wife and/or brother and have our subscriptions out to 2023/24 just because that’s a pretty safe gift idea. If I actually GAF about the new tiers for PS+, I’d be screwed, and wouldn’t appreciate the troll. 

I didn’t stock up to take advantage. I

Why do they deserve this? There was a sale, they took advantage of it, which is the exact purpose of sales. I’m not sure what they did that was “wrong.”

I was at the taping for Whitney Cummings Netflix special a few years back, first thing walking into the venue was “put it in this bag, please”. I knew they were taping that night and figured they didn’t want the routine all over Youtube by the next morning.

It is fucking WILD how quickly people turned on Chappelle, who is by any account, an objective legend in comedy. Because he told a handful of controversial jokes that were far less incendiary than the backlash would have you believe.

Another funny thing is over on Jezebel the writer there made it sound like putting the phone in a baggie was because they knew he would be upsetting people. That’s pretty hilarious because for years now comedians on tours have had their crowds putting their phones on lockdown. It comes from having high quality camera

Some outlets are starting to treat Lee as the actual victim not the “alleged perpetrator”. He’s entitled to his feelings but not to attack someone regardless of their words. Guy should take whatever deal they’re offering because I doubt a judge/jury is going to side with Lee given this wasn’t even a directed reference

I saw a game on the ps store called Taco Jumper or something that cost $1.50. Though it might technically be a ps4 game

No mention in the article that Lee is up for Felony attempted murder too in an unrelated case from December? And it was supposedly one “transphobic” joke: about the gun knife weapon Lee had on him.