
You think you have privacy on a public road? Without that iniquity identifier, the roads would be more chaotic. 

Oh, man, and then there’s a full on essay on why Bioware entirely failed to understand the appeal of its own franchise when it made the third game all about Earth, a planet you never visit in the prior two games and have zero investment in.

Yes, as a real human being in real life I care for the real Earth I live on,

And I forgot that the original cut of the game has all the mass effect relays explode for some reason, a plot point that in the previous game was shown to be an apocalypse-level event that would wipe out an entire solar system and also end interstellar travel, and if I recall Bioware, amongst many, many, many other

Hard disagree with the entire premise of the article, namely because none of the endings of ME3 are satisfying as they fundamentally ignore the premise of the previous 90+ hours of the game to that point unless you’d been a die-hard renegade who killed everything you came across (aka a brutish dolt of an asshole).

After >_>

That’s an extremely ridiculously hot take. Jesus.

... wait a second.

... ... ...Is that a Robotnik Drone up there?

I’d argue the swarming behavior of World War Z was substantially different than most anything before it. It was absolutely an evolution of the speedy 28 Days Later zombies but very different in their own right.

I think John K.’s first appearance as Reed is less than coincidental that the director of Fantastic Four has stepped away.

“Once I went to dinner with Gabe,” explained Faliszek. “And he was beating me up, that um…’if you look at zombie movies’ [Newell said] ‘Night of the Living Dead is about racism…Dawn of the Dead is about consumerism.’”

I don’t think there’s anyone out there that would argue that at this point Valve is succeeding despite Gabe Newell and not because of him.

The Black Bolt costume looked a lot better than the one in the ABC show, but I kinda thought it made Mount look like a scaled-down version of the Tick.

I immediately recognized Anson Mount! I was like, “Oh hey! Good for them!” They did the correct, bare-minimum nod to that godawful show, and that is exactly how much due diligence needed to be done. :D

Per leaks the plan was for it to be Tom Cruise playing an IM variant, with Black Bolt as the back-up.

Kind of feels like No Way Home clearly demonstrated that variants don’t all have to look exactly the same.

I would like America Chavez to find me a universe without slideshows.

Who knows what’ll happen, maybe he’ll finish the game one day and have the whole thing ruined by Nintendo’s lawyers.”

The fact that I can’t stand the guy is good enough for me to believe he’d actually make for a good JC. Also, have Linden Ashby be his agent!

Great article. Also, I worked on Star Wars Bounty Hunter! =)