
The files are inside the computer...

That... That is actually a pretty catchy song, I may have to play it on repeat until I hate it!

A deal breaker for what? What handheld gaming platform do you play that has a screen that’s over 10"? Heck even iPads have less than 10" screens, and that’s not really comparable to this.

By a few months you mean next Friday? Because it comes out next Friday...

Now that is a fabulous point, all this talk about Trumps “locker room talk” people seem to forget that even women can get downright nasty.

To be honest, that really is all that matters. I’m excited about Litten and he is my favorite out of the three, but I fault no one for liking Popplio, she is probably going to be the one that my wife chooses too.

  • Larceny.
Now playing

As they normally do, South Park hit this election right on the head...

This Canadian’s pep talk always ways better than most pep talks anyways...

I looked at the header image and all I could see is the number 6, so which is it? Rule of 6 or rule of 3?

Here are two of my worst pre-orders, the first was for “Drake of the 99 Dragons” there was actually going to be a PC release when it first was coming out, they even released a playable demo for it too. I played that demo over and over I was so pumped for that game, I even made a fan-trailer for it where I cut up

Oh man I’m so excited for this, I ordered this on GoG a few months ago when I saw it was 20% off, and after one gameplay trailer where I counted more than 9 weapons and like 4 or 5 of them were melee weapons I was sold (I’m a sucker for melee weapons). I have a old computer now and I have been piecing together a newer

I wen’t though all of those gifs... And I still have no idea what I was just looking at...

I like this one I found on Reddit.

Because it wouldn’t be the first time saves would transfer and it won’t be the last, as more and more of our games and saves are ending up in the cloud backwards compatibility is getting easier to do. Borderlands let people upgrade their saves, along with Destiny and Diablo, and those are just the three off the top of

Elder Scrolls 6 man, this is just a remaster of a already established game.

Ok to answer your questions, yes it will be a separate entry and yes your saves will transfer. Console players are getting screwed over with saves, but if you are a PC player they will transfer.