
Many gamers would disagree with you, especially given the proliferation of games that use mouse controls for aiming purposes (FPS games, Bastion, etc.).

Heck, what am I going to do during classes?

"Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?"

Most of the 2012 doom-mongers have been changing their tune as of late. Instead of predicting the end of the world, they're predicting "a time of great change" or "the dawn of a new era in human consciousness", things that are impossible to measure or prove. This is mostly to cover their bases, so that when 2012 ends

I was going to post about this, but yeah, if you don't live outside the USA, the iPad2 is a foregone conclusion.

That clamshell netbook thing looks kinda cool. Kind of like what I imagined the future would be like before the future actually came along.

Yeah, wasn't clear the first time, sorry about that.

I am going to interrupt your defense of the Torch to let you know that the Torch is far and away the worst piece of technology I have ever had the displeasure of owning. Not due to the design (which is good), the OS (serviceable), or the features (varied). It's because the thing does not do the "·%@! thing it's

I'm one of the freaky people who would love to get either an N9 or one of these.

Ireland: NOTHING WORKS. No BBM, no Email, no internet.

I used to have a Torch. It was a miserable experience. The hardware was shoddy, the OS was buggy, and it just didn't do the things it was supposed to do. It would randomly stope sending emails, or it would download all of my Facebook friends' birthdays as urgent reminders on the calendar app so that every single day

I went into this article thinking it was going to talk about Role Playing Games. Great article nevertheless.

Does the app tell you if they're firing two guns while jumping through the air? Does it tell you if they're firing one gun while jumping through the air?

Probably something like this:

Oh yeah?! Well if we all come from space rocks, how come ya still got space rocks fallin' from the sky right now, huh?! Answer me that, smart guy!!

This is true. My first thought when iMessage was announced was that it would effectively eliminate RIM's only advantage in the mobile phone sector.

It's not just these images; all of her photos are amazing. She wins Flickr. She wins all of the Flickrs.

I want them all to get together and fight crime. Think of all the bad yo-yo related puns that are going unused right now.

Blackberry Messenger. Free chat with any other Blackberry user. It's not great in the U.S., but in countries where there is a large Blackberry user base, the use of BBM alone outweighs any conceivable advantage presented by iPhones and Android handsets.

27,000 people? How many Kevin Costner lookalikes on rafts is that going to take?