And here I was going to bring up either the Doctor Who episode “Heaven Sent” or the Sam Rockwell vehicle Moon.
And here I was going to bring up either the Doctor Who episode “Heaven Sent” or the Sam Rockwell vehicle Moon.
Heard a rumor last fall speculating that Barry Keoghan could be cast as Feyd.
“May the force be with you.”
What if her appearance was as a ghost haunting him, like Auggie? Could be we’ll see Sophie/Goff in S2 in that way.
The mood is different, but I’m thinking of Ringo Starr’s melancholic detour in A Hard Day’s Night.
Bless you for pointing this out.
I got a Russian Doll vibe from it, myself.
Sounds similar to the death of Natasha Richardson. Fell during a ski lesson and shook it off, later complained of a severe headache, then fell into a coma and died.
It’s not even them in that photo.
I feel like management went “How can we get ourselves another Michael Strahan?” and landed on Nate. Good call, actually…
Gayle is fabulous, and indeed there are a lot of unscripted “Oh, Gayle!” moments that brighten the mood. She’s much more engaging than Norah was with her “serious journalist” demeanor. But I’m sure Norah’s much happier as the evening news anchor anyway. (And we won’t mention Charlie.)
Almost. Probably a tie for me between Andy Dick and Jon Lovitz. (The latter of whom I don’t mind in general but hated in this. Though be fair Phil Hartman is a tough act to follow.)
I mean, his character was named Joe for a reason…
You could always bring back the paper bag test.