bisexual shitass

I’m just going to reply to myself because I’m about to go to bed, and I don’t want to leave the greys hanging-

I have some neighbors who are Trump supports and they fully admitted to me that they hate Trump as a person, but they like the fact he supports (some? most? all?) of their views. One guy said it was like driving an old, beat up car. You hate driving it, but at least it gets you from point A to point B. My only reply

YESSSSSSS more Diana Moskovitz pieces over here on Jezebel pleeeeease

Based on the trailer, I am kind of excited to go to the movies with my girls and a bottle of vodka, if only to laugh really loud at “Roe v Wade” in all its morbid, hilarious insanity, until we get kicked out?

I basically had the same thing happen. I worked in a newsroom, and my schedule included a Sunday shift that was often a little slow. I noticed during one of my lunch breaks that the fridge was nasty. It was a brutally boring day, so I took 20 minutes and cleaned it out. A few weeks later it was nasty again. No

In response to the flood of burners and, let’s face it, men moaning about how this advice is either: 1. sexist or 2. pointless because everyone recognizes these volunteer tasks and gives credit for it, allow me to present a small sample of the ways that I, a professional woman, have been asked to volunteer to do

Which is a perfect example of why all of us (married or not, with kids or without) should be pushing for things like universal paid family leave - because this shit should be automatic, not contingent on having coworkers who both care enough and have the time to spare.

She didn’t just come out, she came out rather loudly and abrasively, calling out conservatives for being hypocrites on the issue. She’s since no doubt realized where her bread is buttered. 

Now playing

My first thought was this so-real scene from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend:

As a tutor, I realized at one point that in the centers where I work, I was the only one cleaning the whiteboards — not the male teachers, not the staff. I stopped and now go out and tell the staff (usually just hanging around talking to one another) and just stand there while the staff does it. I even asked a male

Milo Yiannopoulos is in the movie. Joey Lawrence plays a law professor.

Nobody cares about your boner.

No one cares about your stupid fucking boner.

Are you fucking kidding me with this?

To my friends in Louisiana: Please find out where they are filming and book a mariachi band to play through every scene they try and film. I’ll kick in $$ for the band. 

Well, I mean, I didn’t introduce the probability equation. It exists whether you are aware of it or not. I agree on this: the volunteer study design is essentially a game like poker, which includes the players’ reckoning on the likelihood of different outcomes - the probabilities.

I “love” all the burners, most (if not all) of whom are (self-identified!) men, commenting on this. As a woman affected by this, let me give you guys some perspective:

Your idea about the study is wrong tho. Volunteering is the losing strategy for a rational individual participant. If you do nothing, you have a 2/3 chance of getting a dollar, and a 1/3 chance of getting $2. 

Volunteering is something one does for the less fortunate in their spare time. It is not something done at one’s place of employment unless, and only, if some type of compensation is clearly attached to it.