

Cliches are cliches I guess. Still dumb. But what can you do.

So Tyrion was wanting Jaime to kill Dany? Gah that's interesting!

They spear/arrow shouldn't even be able to penetrate the skin. Really bummed. You have fugging Cyburn bringing people back to life and the mad scientist and the best he can do is a crossbow? Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Also, who was Tyrion talking to about hurrying up! That was interesting tid bit

Kinda bummed a giant spear basically took down a dragon on its FIRST battle scene. Giant crossbow cliche for dragons is super lame. But other than that, good stuff.

Varies from person to person lol. Messed up

Damn I knew there was something more to that scene than I thought. Thank you!

So Tormund and the wildlings are headed the the East castle at the Wall, is that also where the Hound and his men are headed after he saw something in the fire?

What was the history there?

Ahh yes….the old "it doesn't matter" argument. Becoming the go to for modern criticism.

Disappointed but not surprised.

I love him. He's the snake in the bush

What is wrong with negativity or criticism? Can't always be 'positive' with out negative. How can u guage quality without the two? Never understood the hate for someone's negative opinion.

That's what I was hoping to read about in this review but there was nothing about it

Review didn't even touch all that Russian backstory and stuff! We saw the inside of the semi, what exactly was it? Survalliance and a bed? Did any of you clever watches notice anything tie into the opening flashback for this season? I figured something was there but didn't find anything. Had to be something, right?

There is a good deal of irony there lol. I laughed at that

ELI5 means Explain Like I'm 5 (years old). Popular term on the internet the past few years to help people explain

And broadcast networks are Fox NBC CBS and such, right? And what makes a channel a broadcast channel exactly? (Thanks for the info thus far, been helpful!)

Can someone ELI5 how censoring and the FCC works. Isn't it technically legal for any channel to say and show whatever they want, except for like 5 or so channels?! Those being ones you get for free from radio waves or something like ABC, Fox, NBC, etc?