
Sadly their worst start to a season thus far. Too many callbacks this season.

Martyrs remake should be in the top 5. That movie was pure trash

Who is Wyatt and what is the importance? How hasn't Ford noticed Maeve yet? So what is the mave? What does the MIB want?

Didn't the MIB say he eventually went back for the first time to kill Maeve (which was recent, right?). But then didn't he rape Dolores and stuff in the shed before? Or for the past 30 years has he been a 'good' visitor at the park? No raping or killing or anything? (Just trying to figure out the time line).


Well obviously saying a negative on an article reviewing the TV show will always been in the minority. Funny. I still stand by my og comment. Average actress. Millions of other actresses who could deliver those one liners, yawn. I'd like her to meet her demise.

I think you forgot your 'sarcasm' tag

Kelly is the one that needs to go. I can't stand her as an actress and it's amplified by her horse voice/scream.

Simply boring.

Yet, he still has the worst hair since Bill Murray in Kingpin.

We can't have nice things when TV shows like this pull in so many vewiers

"I don't need friends, I need fans" is a genius line. Rings all too true

Not a fan of this one at all.

Must……resist…………fanboy……….hate! Ahhhhhhhhhh!

It Follows #3? I approve!!!!!

Anyone else order The Babadook Pop Up Book?! Can't fuggin wait

Anyone know the VOD release date?