Rat Soup Eatin

I loved after all the cons went down Pete comes home to the defeated exhausted family and reveals the cash. That was some icing on the cake. Also, I didn't mind the cliffhanger because the two new characters were pretty fascinating. Looking forward to season 2!

Now THIS is nerd shaming. Yippeeee!!!!

I've been urging people to use Lyft over Uber for their douchey practices (smearing female reporters who dared criticize the app, charging surge prices in Sydney during a terrorist attack, sabotaging Lyft by placing and cancelling orders) #FuckUber

The post credits stinger had one MORE surprise cameo as the camera zoomed further into the diner to a shocked high school science teacher gaping at the tv "Whaaat? Noo."

My friend used that phrase but I thought he must be saying kinckerknocking (like the NY Knickerbockers?) I was set straight when I told my 6th grade teacher we were going to do a skit about knickerknocking houses. Her jaw dropped to the floor (as did my partner for the assignment) who jumped in and said

First of all, OJ did it.

How is this not an F-?

How about both? You glimpse a CG Leia in an exploding ship. Her character dies and the series continues. Otherwise we'll be tap dancing with vacuum cleaners forever.

Michael Keaton "Yeah Jimmy. That was a….thing"

Thanks man. It's making the show more and more surreal.

Sting giving Jimmy the Mutumbo finger wave

Cough syrup

"First off, OJ did it."

The Master of Disguise runs this?

Paper boi!

BBT could've gave less of a shit there

Also- is this the live blog?

He likes people named "Bob"

And does a "give it up for me" gesture with his hands

How far'd ya go before you realized?