Hahahaha! I was just thinking that there’s a dude who completely blew his chance at a great story.
Hahahaha! I was just thinking that there’s a dude who completely blew his chance at a great story.
My mom has this button on her 04 Forester. Usually about once a year, I will get a text saying “There are lights on on my car and I can’t get them to go off, help!” And every year I reply the same way, which is “You hit the button on top of the steering column.”
Also, Subaru dealers get many calls from people with…
I see. I’d like to point out that one downside is that from time to time, if I need to buy something in the near term (e.g., an appliance breaks), I would search past deals to get a ballpark estimate for prices to expect and how frequently/infrequently things go on sale. With the same post rolling, only deals with…
I see. I’d like to point out that one downside is that from time to time, if I need to buy something in the near…
How dare you soil Darth Vader’s name by comparing him to Trump?
It’s like watching Darth Vader remove his mask.
Anyone else think it’s weird living in a time that went from fighting/racing your siblings to be the one who gets to answer the phone to ignoring any calls from numberdbyou don’t recognize? Leave a coherent message and I’ll get back to you. Also, if the IRS wants to contact me, they can do it in writing. I’m skeptical…
Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.
This is also assuming they don’t “accidentally delete” the video.
Massive exception list. Did you even try?https://www.monoprice.com/cart/couponproductdtl?couponid=128196&ListType=exclude&CouponName=50MASTER&AID=11064683&PID=4485850&ref=cj&utm_source=cj&utm_medium=11064683&utm_term=Slickdeals+LLC-1122587
Massive exception list. Did you even try?https://www.monoprice.com/cart/couponproductdtl?couponid=128196&ListType=exc…
Vermonter here. They had to drive past 4 signs, a payment kiosk, a gate and a boat yard to do this.
I scrolled way too far to find this. This is the only thing needed to be said, and anyone getting offended by the offer can politely get bent.
I only sit on buses or trains if they’re pretty empty, as soon as they begin to fill up I stand.
Sorry but no.
I’m sorry, but if someone is “humiliated” by being offered a seat on public transportation, that’s their problem, not the problem of the person offering. What is there to be humiliated about?
im really so far under the weather it’s hard for me to jump onto any of these circles this article is talking about.
im a white dude. i give up my seat if it’s necessary; i dont play any assumption game, i offer my seat. if the want it? great. if they dont? great.
but here’s a call out about how im an awful person and…
Look at person.
do you want to give up your seat?
end of article.