There’s no “discussion” of what it means and none was ever intended.
There’s no “discussion” of what it means and none was ever intended.
Of course they want it to remain a government entitlement they can receive. Most of them probably can’t get private insurance. I’m sure that people on Medicaid - who also receive worse care than patients with insurance - also don’t want it to go away.
Yeah, this whole debacle sounds just like the health care coverage I want.
Take your meds.
So am I! People just won’t stop fucking whining about everything. Very tiresome.
This article was posted for one reason only - to generate clicks. If you think it’s going to change the world, or even anyone’s mind, you’re too generous.
Mexicans hate blacks as much as anyone.
OK, faggot.
Yes, you should avoid me.
So you agree your idea was dumb, poorly conceived, not thought-out and will likely backfire? Great!
You can complain it’s “immoral” all you want. Who cares? You’re entitled to your opinion about what’s moral but, as I’m sure you understand, no one else likely cares.
Yeah, I hear the VA is wonderful and all vets absolutely adore it.
I’ll take that as a “No, I’m not taking my meds today.”
If you’re the party in power and don’t particularly care about DACA to begin with, that’s how it’s probably going to be.
I don’t argue about what’s “morally justified” because I don’t think arguing about morality is worthwhile.
Trump used Twitter to convey the same sound bites he spouted off on TV, at campaign rallies, etc.
Like broken clocks, even trolls are right on occasion.
Do that. I’m willing to bet that the GOP will run wild with it and say “OK, fuck! If you served in the military under DACA you’re in. The rest of you illegals can GTFO.”
It’s 2018 and we don’t need more fucking people in this country. If we did, we’d have opened the floodgates like it was 1825.
No offense, but if your strategy involves a hashtag, you’re going to keep losing elections.