Not a false equivalency, but I take your point.
Not a false equivalency, but I take your point.
Implying that they were the most violent. Now that I broke contradictory facts to equation I guess you’ll just refuse to engage it.
Standard procedure really.
I did say White people, we all know men are innately more violent than women. So ok, whose more violent? White men who have made up anywhere between 40% to 35% of the population (going back 35 years) to have been involved in 75% of mass shootings or 6% of black men being responsible for 50% of murders going back…
More than 70% of the victims in the last 35 years were at the hands of white men. But wait, what’s your point again?
I’m not going to go back through every instance of this site reporting on something like this and provide links. If you browse this site even occasionally, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
No, I’m saying this website’s timbre in addressing gun violence carries a much more, shall we say, eager tone, when the perpetrator is a white male.
I don’t think it’s wrong to point out hypocrisy. It’s especially useful in bubbles like this one. But like I said, I’d say it’s even a step forward for this website to even acknowledge something like this.
They will never let facts interfere with their narrative.
Yes I agree. The show has run its course. It doesn’t help that they’re working from an outline rather than finished GRRM books.
At 1:17 it explains black/white hot and where to find which state of hot the IR is in. When in black hot the object is white and vice versa. Unless they(the person adding the text) screwed up and when in black it really means white objects are hot. It’s been a while since I’ve looked through a view finder on any IR…
I think it’s more they’re disappointed that running a moderate Democrat instead of a pseudo-communist actually worked.
FLIR being an infrared device, wouldn’t we anticipate seeing heated air behind a fast-moving object over cold water?
Talk bout pissing in someone’s cereal, you guys are too cool for these special elections now huh”? Bet you had a nice long one written up if Saccone won, telling us how useless the dems are, but since Lamb won, you get this snarky POS response.
So I hung in there through the “we didn’t evolve” and the “extream love”, but had to tap out at “Asians are super creative.”
To sum up what this guy said ⬆ “Aliens can’t be real because I love Jesus”.
I wish HBO would remake I, Claudius using the set from Rome. Pretty sure it’s still standing in Italy. Or something from Colleen McCullough’s Masters of Rome series. The Grass Crown is probably my favorite but Sulla might be a bit obscure for many. He’d make great theater though.
I’m probably in the minority here, but I’m ready to be done with Game of Thrones after the upcoming final season.
They barely had any story for season 5.
I wonder how many spinoffs will finish before the books do.
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