No, you’re right, the gerrymandering case was always in Federal court. I was confusing that with the right to work case involving unions. I guess I need to pay closer attention to the legal hotbed that is Wisconsin.
No, you’re right, the gerrymandering case was always in Federal court. I was confusing that with the right to work case involving unions. I guess I need to pay closer attention to the legal hotbed that is Wisconsin.
Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are going to personally build the wall like slaves build the Pyramids. They’re that fucking spineless.
Better positioning to do . . . what?
I agree that the House and Senate may not get anything together.
Who cares if McConnell brings a bill to the Senate floor? He can do whatever he wants in the Senate. If the House doesn’t do anything or doesn’t support it, you’re still fucked.
This. There are at least 7 Democrat senators in red/purple states up for election in 2018.
Literally no one gave a shit about CHIP because it was always going to be re-funded. There are plenty of kids in red districts on that program too.
Didn’t the Wisconsin case go all the way to that state’s Supreme Court and then get to SCOTUS somehow?
1) He extended it, he didn’t get rid of it.
That’s word salad garbage. The tax reform plan will help people at all levels, particularly those that own their own business provided it’s a pass through, and the effects of that will kick in by the end of the 2nd quarter, at the latest.
Yeah, I remember you. You’re the lawyer that’s not turned a profit in two years, can’t get your husband to pay child support, and have kids on Medicaid.
If that were true, he’d have already kicked them out.
That’s what you thought this time.
If you mention “globalization” on this site (a) they won’t understand it; (b) they’ll call you a racist; and (c) they’ll deny its well-known, well-documented effects and instead blame corporate greed and/or racism for everything.
Yep, at least 7 of the Senators this article is bitching about live in red/purple states and are up for re-election in 2018.
No one gave a shit about CHIP. That was always going to be funded.
Trump didn’t revoke DACA. He extended it by six months.
If that’s true, why did Trump keep DACA alive for six months instead of immediately rescinding Obama’s XO and kicking them out immediately?
Nothing says “I’m smart!” like shitting in the bed, cleaning it up, then hopping right back in and shitting in it again.
I guess even Paul Krugman(!) is not liberal enough to be trusted on this cesspool of a site! lol