
She always looks like she’s having the time of her life to me. She treats the press with absolute contempt, doesn’t even try to hide that she enjoys it, and obviously Trump loves her for it since she’s been in the position for a lot longer than Spicer/Mooch and, to my knowledge, has never criticized her.

If someone’s offended by the phrase “chain migration” they’re not anyone we should let in the country to begin with.

Hey, if you were getting everything for free, you wouldn’t care who paid for it, either, right?

The Democrats were the ones that wouldn’t vote to support funding the gov’t.

You’re confusing rank stupidity with “4D chess.”

You do realize that this site exists only to label literally everything as “racist” right? The Sun is racist, the Moon is racist, the Sea is racist. It’s all racist!

Just because you don’t like the truth doesn’t mean I’m a troll.

As I understand it, the outrage stems from the fact that blacks find it offensive as many of them were literally brought here in chains.

Chain migration is what it’s been called since it began. It’s only in the past six weeks that it’s become some kind of taboo phrase.

B. That’s demonstrably false. Trump could have kicked the Dreamers out on Day 1. All he had to do was rescind DACA.

Don’t be surprised if the House bill doesn’t give Trump what he wants for the wall. Lots of cons will catch Hell for funding it because it’s a stupid idea.


That editorial is right.

To be fair, the Democrats literally are losers. They’ve lost every branch of the Federal government lately.

To be fair, the policy reasons for the diversity lottery were always horseshit (it was basically done to let in a ton of Irish people in the ‘60s) and chain migration has caused a huge visa backlog that genuinely is a problem.

Why be so glass is half-empty?

But that isn’t true. Trump could have rescinded DACA immediately.

True, but kicking the Dreamers out is (a) politically toxic even today; and (b) there are still tons of legal immigrants in this country and neither side wants to piss them off.

To be fair, oftentimes politicians that call themselves Republicans are viewed as Democrats (the RINO) while Democrats are often pretty much Republicans (see this article, for example).

They’re cutting off that aspect of chain migration. Or, at least, they were discussing that during the “shithole” negotiations.