
"Space monkey / a sign of the times / space monkey / so out of line", makes me cringe every time I hear it.

I think Easter is a classic punk album… Except that song about space monkeys and that other song filled with "repurposed" racial slurs almost make it unlistenable.

You're both wrong.

Not much of a plot as far as I can tell. A black sheep comes home during a thunderstorm? Set this during Christmas and you have yourself a fine holiday themed indie-flick, otherwise it sounds like a snooze fest.

Hearing Modest Mouse — any album — always brings me back to 2000 when I first heard them. I get a rush of memories of the apartment I lived in, the girl I was dating, the car I drove, and the feeling the music gave me… that life is full of potential. There are only a handful of bands that to that for me, so I try not

It really doesn't bother me. "Selling out" is something you're afraid of in high school when you don't like other people owning the same band tshirt as you. Now that I'm old and know people in bands, I wish them all the best in supporting themselves and getting their name out there. Who puts out records with the hope

EITS did the soundtrack to the movie Friday Night Lights, which is about football, more than 10-years ago. They then sold it to the spinoff TV show. It was big news to EITS fans back in the day, but I'm sure they're fine with it… they're from Texas, a state that loves football and developmental dangers.

When the review said this was their sixth studio album I thought "that can't be right". It is. Turns out my favorite Modest Mouse album (Building Something out of Nothing) is a compilation of B-sides. What a world!

The way I understand that, they knew the approximate mass of the Higgs Boson well before they found it. They knew it existed because they knew a particle of certain paramters (including mass) existed. The exact mass — within an order of magnitude — depended on which 'model' you were talking about… but even Homer

Mark Hoppus, sure, but not Tom.

…on a steady diet of paint chips.

It's not exactly the Rites of Spring, but there's a HUGE musical leap between Dude Ranch and Enima of the State, and I always figured it was Travis' doing since that was his first record w/ Blink. He also had enough business sense to get out of ska music, so he's probably got a good head on his shoulders. Dude looks

I love Chopped, except for the dessert round. Who orders dessert anymore? It also seems like there aren't as many options to turn something creatively into a dessert… aside from making bread pudding, ice cream, cake, or breakfast dishes (crepes, french toast) time and time again. I'm more a fan of their "breakfast,

Are you thinking of the TV show "The Office"?

Loved Jeff Who Lives at Home.

It helps when you write, direct and produce the movie.

Fun fact: Kevin's wife in the show is Mark Duplass's wife in real life! I love Mark Duplass, so it's not inexplicable to me, but I agree that she's super hot.

Because DishNetwork decided not to add FXX to the package I subscribe to, I will probably never see this.

With the exception of the new HBO stuff, 98% of the stuff you can find on Prime you can find on Netflix. However, minus the HBO stuff, Netflix has a way better selection than Prime. The HBO stuff is a game changer though.

1) It's perfectly acceptable to say "Wish I Was Here". Since it's a nonsensical title anyway, the author of the story/title gets to decide which method (was/were) is most appropriate. Dont' take my word for it, take Oxford English Dictionary's: http://oaadonline.oxfordlea…