
…because if I don't, some schmuck will get pissy and indignant.

Awww. "Sweetums". You're an adorable troll.
I didn't realize my internet comments were being peer reviewed by the righteous police, nor did I realize that the the guy earning the moolah was reading this and taking demands. Next time I better watch how I phrase my sentences, for fear of angering the righteously

Oh, I see. The internet can't suggest that he do something positive with his ironic earnings, but you can suggest that the internet stop suggesting stuff. Brilliant.

He can keep the $900 or ironic money.

Dude better make $9k worth of potato salad and donate it to a food kitchen.

"Video has been removed by user" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I wanted to see this.

I watched Gasper Noe's Irreversible recently. Don't like shaky-cam? That movie was straight up spin-around-in-circles cam. Seriously nauseating…. but that was the point and fit with the theme.
Shaky cam more-or-less has origins in the Dogme movement, it's meant to seem closer to reality than your typical wide angled

This will actually be a re-re-re-release. It was given a theatrical release in 2011, and also a couple years before that for the 25th anniversary. I went out and bought it for that 25th anniversary release.