
That emergency bed walked home like 15-years ago. They did have Tortoise last weekend though.

Comedy and autism. What could possibly go wrong?

Minor correction: contrary to popular belief Poltergeist had a regular burial ground. Amityville Horror had the Native American burial ground.

Gay… Sure I could get behind that. But a woman named James?! That's a bridge too far.

Having to listen to someone do a play-by-play replay of a dream they had is excrutiating. It would be mildly interesting if it actually happened. The other day, my coworker told me their dream: "I was at work and then the ceiling opened up, and Edward Scissorhands was there, and we ate dim sum but he couldn't because

I go through weird phases that are similar, but only loosely, and involve spiders. Recently, I "woke up" and saw that there was a spider web about one inch from my face with a giant shadow of a spider right in the middle of the web. I'm not sure if I could move because I didn't want to touch the spider, but I was able

Yea, I mean when Shape got recognition. Shape did get decent recognition on release, which is how it snowballed into something huge in just a couple years without a band to back it up. I bought the album in 1998 shortly after release, and so did all my friends (cd burners were hard to come by then). You couldn't turn

And here you are, pretending to be better than them.

Which state don't people fly over? Besides, ohare is like the second or third busiest airport in the U.S., so it's more likely people fly INTO it than over it… Unfortunately for them.

If you're referring to their "final" US tour, that's true, totally wrong place at wrong time. But the band's artistic content was in the right place at the right time. (Epitaph, turn of the century).

Read AV Club's "Fear of a Punk Decade", it's a great series and talks about this a bit. Refused was right place at right time for sure, and bridged a lot of genres to enter mainstream success, but they also put forth a pretty solid album for Epitaph.


Haha. Adrenaline was amazing, but I would argue that Faith No More or Rage Against the Machine pioneered it well before Deftones.

… Epitaph was prolific, I can name a lot of their releases: NOFX, Milencolin, Pennywise, ALL, Descendents, Wayne Kramer, Offspring, Nick Cave, Down by Law, RKL, The Business, Hot Water Music, Social D, Larry Arms, Alkaline Trio, H20, Propaghandi….. and many more. Refused got more attention because it was a standout in

Totally disagree. I don't find Wilmore that funny (never have), and even if his new show had a slow start, it still lacks breadth and depth. Issues aren't probed deeply, he has very little finesse with his guests out of the round table (all of his comments are jokes, they are rarely insightful or intelligent like

Hmmm. I heard it was Clan in Da Front.

Guess she never heard the you Enter the Wu Tang. Not the other way around.

"They treated me with nothing but respectful". Sounds like something a bustdown would say to me.

Best new series makes sense…. but the other two increments seem pointless.

Woah. That's unfair. How about: Best Veteran Show About Wives with Knives and Best New Show About Wives with Knives.