
This definitely seems dubious. Crucially, I wonder what the opportunity for arbitrage is. If solar companies are having to pay inordinate amounts to compete for a dose of sunlight on their panels, how will they make money selling that energy? And this is still as susceptible as normal sunlight to things like cloud

What a terrible idea. Imagine if you had someone that really didn’t like you and they decided to light up your house all night? I am getting a bit sick of the “move fast, break something” mentality that has no regard for anything but themselves.

So like... This is for war, right? Like bathing a battlefield in sunlight so the enemy can’t hide, or blasting small desert cities with nonstop daylight until they become unlivable?

“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.

I’ll take “Shit we shouldn’t be doing” for $500, Alex. 

So some dudes got high watching old Jame Bond movies and thought “we could totally do that!!”

On behalf of all of humanity, can we just fucking not do this?

BMW is getting rid one letter: “i”.

As long as they don’t go the BMW route and have ridiculously long names, this is a good idea.

It’s the Manchin loophole.

Welp, call in an air strike.

right like at some point some one in law enforcement has to have gotten into some social media group where this stuff is talked about.  

Are we going to talk about transportation on Jalopnik, or is this just a thinly veiled attempt to really fan the flames of class warfare by editorializing on the haves vs. have nots in every single damned article published here these days?

They will make a movie soon. Probably called Frantic and Manic. And it’ll be a franchise.

Because when you lease it, it counts as a commercial sale internally which allows them to claim the credit with no major restrictions. For normal consumer sales, there’s a whole bunch of restrictions baked in from Toyota having Manchin purposefully ruin it during IRA negotiations. In this case, because the new Ioniq 5

So it is a “tesla charger” or is it a maker-agnostic stadnard charger that Tesla uses. Because calling it a “Tesla charger” gets confusing.

I really don’t like the front fascia on the XRT, but I’d still consider the XRT model. I’ve been casually considering the current Ioniq 5 as an eventual replacement for my current commuter/errand car, but the XRT trim would make it a bit better for the desert dirt roads around where I live and which are often

I didn’t mention a problem...

Royal Farms wants over four bucks for one of their “world famous” chicken thighs. It can rot under that heat lamp for all I care.

Our Wawa’s in Delawhere and the surrounding areas are the best. They win. Sheetz’s is whack, Royal Farms is whack, Wawa FTW. We also don’t have the super massive places with 40 gas pumps either, all the pumps are close enough to park at and go inside :D