
Reason #2500 to not buy a Tesla.

Every Audi SUV looks the same to me. And as for their cars, you could park an A4 in front of me and I probably couldn’t tell you if it was 12 years old or brand new. they used to be such iconic cars back around 2000; now they’re just unremarkable in every way. 

Man, I just want my Creedance tape back

It might just end great! With less Cybertrucks on the roads.

The correct response from the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority employee that Teslatino spoke to should have been “Tesla compatible charging stations, yeah sure. I’ll uh, just check with the boys down at the operations headquarters. They uh, got uh, dozens more linemen working on the case. They’ve got us worki

“10/10 Still highly recommend!"

You’d just assume they would have generators. Like I know rah rah electric truck, but if you drove gas trucks you’d bring more gas, right? Are they planning on laying cable once they leave power grids behind?

I drove a 350Z from Texas to the Arctic Circle in AK back when I lived in Anchorage. Also around quite a bit of the Yukon without much difficulty. I agree, there is very little that these guys will be proving of their “rigs” aside from being able to charge the stupid things. I’m sure they’ll pull off onto some fire

Well considering there don’t appear to be any EV charging locations between Fairbanks and Prudhoe Bay, which is 350+ miles as the crow flies, I suspect the odds are HIGH, like Snoop Dogg high

It certainly looks like Bearded Tesla is going into this with his eyes wide open in a modified Cybertruck.

I wonder if a bunch of solar panels to use as an emergency system is viable.”

Sure. That’s what they say. Was it a pinky swear? 

Why are the neighbours “evil”? Evil is the guy with complete disregard for others that builds a race track where whiny tiny electric engines and tire noise turn the place into a mini-Monaco whenever the guy wants to have a practice. I have a neighbour that takes his kid on a country side back road next to my house in

if you want to do this, then live out in the country where your neighbors are miles away..or go thru the govt redtape first..just another rich prick doing rich prick things

Not much sympathy for a guy who chose not to pull a permit. In my experience building inspectors have a high tolerance for honest mistakes, not much for obvious disrespect.

Better to ask for forgiveness than permission ;) Keep stalling until the kid goes pro.

Right, but that would probably have come up if he’d, you know, filled out the proper paperwork in the first place.

Or just get the damn permits

There are two ways this can go.

“Who cares, if you can’t enjoy life doing what you like without the neighbors being jerks?”